I dont know what to name this

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I have been at band all week and I will be in band again next week. I am sore and tired but I feel bad for not updating. Also people
Have been telling me to write about stuff going on in my life, so here it is.
And yes marching is hard, and if you don't agree that's too bad. Please do not be mean I will not update something like this again unless I'm asked to.
Matthew was sore all over. He just got done with 6 hours of practice and he felt like shit. His arms and legs felt like jelly and he was absolutely exausted.
You see everyday this week he marched for 3 hours, ate and marched 3 more hours. But he was okay with it. Why? Because his boyfriend would be home in about an hour from football practice.
Matthew began to think of his boyfriend. Despite being on the foot ball team, he had no problem being with someone like Matthew. The Prussian did have a big ego but he loved him anyways.

Gilbert walked into the house he shared with his boyfriend. "Matthew?" He questioned, getting no response he looked in the bedroom and saw that his precious boyfriend was asleep. He smiled and laid down with his boyfriend. "How do you feel?" He asked when he saw Matthew open his eyes.
"Sore and tired." Matthew said sleepily as he curled into his boyfriends chest. "And you need a shower. You stink."Matthew told the taller man.
"Rude." Was the only response he got. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, though you really do stink."
"I'm sure, after all I was at practice." Gilbert joked as he sat up. "I'll go take a shower so I don't kill you with my stench."
"Too late," Gilbert laughed and took a quick shower. Once he got out however, he was surprised to see that Matthew was no longer there. He got dressed and went downstairs to see Matthew making pancakes. "Boo" he said when he snuck up behind him. He couldn't tell if it was instinct or not but Matthew hit him with the spatula. Not hard but still. "Ow" he said as he held his arm tightly.
"It's your fault for sneaking up on me."
"Such sympathy." He muttered as he got some plates for Matthew. After they ate they decided to watch the Lion King. Because why not? About ten minutes in Gilbert discovered that  Matthew was asleep. Gilbert kissed his head and fell asleep with him.

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