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Now that he thought about it this was a bad idea. Canada and Prussia were standing in front of Germany's house. We agreed that it was time to tell our brothers about our relationship. Bad idea.
Poor Canada was terrified of Germany. Prussia insisted that it would be fine. Although Canada didn't know it, Germany feared the Canadian. He's seen what Canada is like when he's mad.
When Germany opened the door he wasn't surprised to see Prussia, he was surprised to see Canada. He let the two inside and looked at his brother and his crush. Germany knew that Prussia loved Canada, after all that was all he ever talked about. It was rather annoying really. If Prussia came over, Canada managed to be a topic of conversation. "How have you been, West?" His brother asked him.
"Good, and the two of you?" He asked the pair in front of him.
"G-good." The Canadian said shyly. He didn't think that this was a good idea but Prussia did. Canada and Prussia have been dating for about 2 months and Prussia said that they should tell their brothers. Again BAD IDEA.
"West, we need to tell you something." Prussia said in a serious voice. Germany gave him a strange look, after all it was rare that Prussia was ever serious. "Me and Canada are dating." He said.
Germany did not react the way that Canada expected him to. He expected for Germany to threaten to burn all of the maple syrup, instead Germany looked at the two and said:" it took you two long enough, Prussia talks about you all the time." Canada looked at Prussia with a confused look. Prussia just shrugged.
"You're okay with this?" Canada asked. Germany looked at him confused."why wouldn't I be? It might get him to stop talking about you." He said and gave a pointed glance at Prussia.
"T-thank you." Canada said, and all three of them stood up and exchanged 'good byes' and Canada and Prussia left.
Now for the interesting part. Now they had to tell America . Yay.
Prussia was nervous. He knew that Germany wouldn't hurt Canada But there was no telling weather or not America would try to kill him. America would do anything to protect his brother just like Prussia would do anything to protect Germany. Canada knocked on America's door and waited.
America opened the door and pulled Canada into a hug. "What are you doing here?" He asked his brother, completely ignoring Prussia.
"W-we wanted to talk to you." Canada said hoping his brother would let him go.
"Sure dudes." America invited them both in and they all sat down. "What's up?" He asked once they all sat down.
"W-well Prussia and I a-are dating." He said quietly. Apparently he heard it anyways.
"What?" America asked in a deadly tone.
"Don't kill him," Canada pleaded, this is why he didn't date people. They were scared of America. 
"I won't unless he hurts you." America said glaring at Prussia.
"Thank you, America." Canada said and gave him a hug.
"If he hurts you call me." America whispered to his brother and returned the hug.
All in all nobody died so it went fairly well.

I'm so sorry not updating for the last few days.  I hope you liked this story. Thank you for reading this story.

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