Locked out

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The picture is not prucan but Italy's sand pasta sculpture is amazing. This is going to be a smut as requested by: bellasocksie and lilrae1116. Since they are the only ones who commented on the chapter vote.
Prussia woke up with a start. Someone was banging on his door. He sat up and looked at his phone. 11. Really, who would wake him up at this time. He got out of bed and answered the door.
When he opened the door he saw a shivering Canada. "Birdie what are you doing here?" He asked and let the freezing man in. Canada stumbled in and sighed in relief as his boyfriend draped a blanket over him. The two sat on the couch as Matthew warmed up.
"Not that I don't want you here, but why are you here at 11 at night?" He asked his love next to him.
"I went to the store for some maple syrup and America thought I was asleep so he locked me out." Canada said quietly.
"How long have you been outside?" He asked curiously, he looked outside and saw that it was snowing, pretty badly too. Birdie was out in that? He thought.
"15 minutes give or take." Canada smiled over at his boyfriend. Prussia looked at him worriedly, he then stood up and went over to the table and got his spare key. He walked back over to Canada.
"If you ever need to come in, just unlock the door." He said and handed the blonde the key. Canada smiled and took the key and he kissed Prussia.
Prussia cupped his cheek and deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue into Canada's mouth. "Prussia," Canada said softly.
"Sorry Canada," Prussia knew that Canada never did these things, and he promised himself that he would never do anything the younger man didn't want. Prussia pulled away and stood up "we should go to bed, Birdie." Prussia suggested and helped Canada up.
"Prussia, wait-" Canada started to say but was cut off with an 'it's fine.' Prussia walked off down the hallway. Canada quickly caught up with his boyfriend.
"Prussia." Canada said sternly and he pushed Prussia up against the wall. (Canada?! What? Sorry.) "Prussia listen to me. I'm fine with this. You don't know how long I've wanted this."
Canada kissed Prussia again but this kiss was more passionate. Prussia wrapped his arms around Canada's waist. He felt the blondes fingers running through his hair. "Birdie, are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked, willing to stop if his love did not want this. Despite have an almost painful erection. What? He was having a very nice dream about Canada.
"Yes, and if you ask me again I'm going to smack you." Canada smiled up at him and grabbed his hand to lead Prussia to his bedroom. Prussia smiled and allowed Canada to lead him. When the two entered the room Prussia pushed Canada on the bed gently. Prussia climbed on the bed with him so he hovered over him. Prussia leaned down and kissed his neck gently.
"I love you, Canada." Prussia whispered in his ear as he took off Canada's hoodie and his shirt. Prussia kissed Canada again and at that moment he didn't care what was going on around them. All that mattered was the man under him.
"I love you too, Prussia." Prussia smiled at his lover and began to trail kisses down his torso. Canada's moans got even louder as Prussia bit the skin gently at his waist. "P-Prussia" Canada stuttered slightly. Prussia pulled off Canada's pants and rubbed his erection through his boxers, which earned him a very loud moan.
Prussia pulled off Canada's boxers and kiss the tip of his member.
"Prussia," Canada moaned as Prussia took his entire member into his mouth. Prussia bobbed his head and swirled his tongue around the member. "Prussia," the older man looked up at him "m-more." That was all the Canadian had to say before Prussia leaned over to his nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lube. What he knew that if they ever did this that it would hurt his Birdie.
Once Canada was prepared Prussia looked at him for any sign to stop. When he received none he pushed in gently so he didn't hurt his birdie. It didn't really help though, Prussia was bigger than three fingers and they both knew that. Once Prussia was all the way in, he waited for Canada to adjust,and he kissed Canada's neck. "M-more, please." Prussia began to thrust at a slow and gentle pace, but he quickly began to pick up speed. "Prussia!" Canada practically screamed as Prussia hit his prostate. 
Prussia smirked and continued to hit his prostate, he also pulled his curl to see what kind of reaction he would get. He recovered a lot of French curses which he was happy about since Canada never cursed. "P-Prussia I'm going to-"he didn't get a chance to finish his warning before he came. Prussia followed immediately after and pulled out.
"That was fun." Prussia said as he laid down next to Canada. Canada nodded and kissed his boyfriend softly. Prussia pulled the Canadian to his chest and they both fell asleep.

I am so sorry for not updating in a few days. I have been very busy. I'll try to update more but at least 1 week in July I will not be able to update that often. Again I'm very sorry and thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for your time.

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