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Elizabeta is Hungary's human name.
When you're in love, you always want them near. You would do anything to make them happy and always try to make them smile. Your heart beats faster.
I feel all of these things when I'm with Matthew. He's perfect, his blonde hair, his violet eyes, his soft voice. I asked Elizabeta about it and she told me that I was in love with him. It wouldn't surprise me.
I'm on my way to his house now to tell him. As I walk up his driveway I realize that the usual car that's there was gone. Either Matthew went with his family or they forgot him again. Probably the latter.
I get onto the porch and it begins to rain. I knock on his door and get no reply. I knock again and get the same thing. I take out the key that Matthew gave me and open the door. When I get inside I lock the door back and walk into the living room. The sight i am met with makes me smile. Matthew is asleep on the couch.
His right arm is being used as a pillow and his left hand is resting on the couch by his face. His blonde hair is in his beautiful face and with every breath it moves slightly.
I tuck the hair that is in his face behind his ear. Then I pick him up to put him in his bed. As soon as I pick him up me snuggles into me. By the way I did not blush.
I then carry him upstairs to his room and lay him down. I pick up the cover that was folded neatly on the end of his bed and I drape it over him. "I love you ,Birdie." I whisper in his ear.
Him not knowing about my love is fine by me. I'll gladly keep it a secret if it makes him happy.
Let me know if you want me to continue this one. Please. Your feedback is needed.

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