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Underlined is Canada. Bold Italics is Prussia. It also changes point of views a lot. The changes will remain between Prussia and Canada
He was bored. No, bored didn't even begin to describe it anymore. Prussia was at another world meeting and he was bored. Who can I talk to? He asked himself. He looked around at the people near him. There was Russia, China, Greece, Japan, and a blonde he's never seen before. The blonde looked a lot like America , it wouldn't surprise him if they were related somehow, except his hair was longer and lighter. When the blonde looked up he saw that his eyes were a beautiful violet color. He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it: hi.
He passed the piece of paper to the blonde and watched as he opened it.
Now if you haven't guessed the blonde the Prussian saw is Canada and he was surprised to say the least. Someone finally noticed me! He thought excitedly. He looked around to see who sent him the note. It was a man sitting across from him. The man had silver white hair, and beautiful ruby red eyes. The man was looking right at him. Another thought crossed his mind that didn't make him quite as excited. He probably thinks I'm America. The Canadian took the note and wrote on it. He then passed it back to the man across from him.
Prussia took the note and read what the blonde wrote. When he opened the note it read: I'm not America, if you were wanting to talk to him. He honestly felt bad for the blonde. Was he really so used to being confused with America that he instant reaction is to remind people that he is not America. He looked back at the blonde and saw that the blonde went back to what ever he was doing. He wrote on the note and passed it back to the blonde.
Canada took the note and quickly read it. I know that. What is your name? Does this guy actually care? He asked himself. He looked around and realized that almost everyone was out of the room. It must be over, he thought and began to gather his things. "You never told me." The man he was writing to said.
"I-I never told you what?" The Canadian asked the man.
"Your name silly." The Prussian grinned him." I am the awesome Prussia."
"O-oh your Germany's older brother right? I-I'm Canada." He told the Prussian.
"How did you know about me?" The Prussian asked the Canadian as the two walked out of the room.
"I-Italy told me. H-he says you are really nice d-despite your ego." The Prussian was surprised but he smiled. "I t-think Italy m-might be right about you. Y-you seem like a-a nice guy." Prussia smiled at Canada.
"So would you like to hang out sometime? You seem cool." Canada nodded and smiled. In all honesty he was very excited. Someone not only noticed him, but wanted to spend time with him.
"Sure when?" Canada asked the albino, he was practically jumping with excitement.
"Friday?" The Prussian asked and received a nod. The duo heard a loud honk from across the street and looked over to see an impatient American.
"W-Well I have to go since he's my ride home." The Canadian said to Prussia.
"That reminds me, you two look really similar, are you related?" He asked the blonde in front of him.
"Y- Yes, that is my brother."the Canadian said sheepishly. He was scared that Prussia had something against America and didn't want anything to do with him. The very thought made him sad.
"Well I guess I'll see you Friday then?" Canada's was pulled back out of his thoughts by the man I front of him.
"Y-yes, just p-please don't forget." He said and than ran off to his brother who kept threatening to leave the poor country there. Prussia was left standing on the sidewalk and whispered to himself "I promise."
I am so tired,thank you anyone who has any ideas for me. I'll start working on them tomorrow.  Goodnight.

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