Chapter 1

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The credit of this book's idea goes to In_Larry_I_Believe , she basically wrote it so all the credits go to her.
Warning- Sex , curse(¿) and um this is a work of fiction, we don't encourage married people to cheat on their spouse, so yeah.

Two consequent ringing of the doorbell woke Louis up with a splitting headache. He groaned and pushed the arm of one guy away from his waist and the leg from another guy away from his calf. "Who the fuck is here at –",glancing at his mobile screen which had some how landed under his pillow, he spat annoyingly, "At 1?"

He grabbed his sweats and tank pulling it up not even bothered to check that he wore them inside out. At another ring he yelled, "Coming!" and muttered under his breath, "Where's Zayn when you need him?" Rubbing his left eye to get rid of his sleep with one hand, he yanked the door open with another.

"Hello Mr. Malik. We just moved in the house next door, wanted to bring some cookies." A man with broad shoulders and unruly curly hair spoke, his green eyes discreetly checking out Louis. "I am Harry Styles and this is my husband, Nick."

Louis shamelessly checked out the fit man in front of him and turned towards his husband who had not yet discovered their stare, too busy in his phone. It was definitely the latest model. It was blantaly obvious that they were rich since everyone in this neighbourhood was except Louis. "Oh I'm not Zayn, I'm Louis. His side hoe." Louis smirked.

Harry's eyes comically grew large and his husband, Nick finally looked up in shock and disgust. "Um..well in that c-"

"Relax, I am his roommate. Actually, we have been friends since birth so I just stay in one of his guestrooms without paying rent." Louis chuckled at their reaction.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr.-" Nick finally spoke in a formal way and Louis wondered how the fuck did this floopy haired dude with no arse land up with someone like Harry. But their marriage didn't really look that great in the way they were standing a bit away from each other with no physical contact like holding hands or arms around the waist. Louis knows this by experience.

"Tomlinson." Louis said and just to annoy that judgemental prick, he added with a wink, "The guy with kardashain's arse."

"Alright..." Nick said awkwardly. "We must leave."

"Oh geez, where are my manners." Louis didn't miss Nick's scoff. "I would love to invite you inside but there was a crazy party in here last night." He scrunched up his eyebrows. "No sorry, I was at a crazy party and the guys I brought here are still asleep and I honestly don't want to deal with their waking up vomits and shit. You know, drinking and cum stained ..stuff?" Louis controlled himself from not bursting into laughter seeing the horrified look on their faces. "I will let Zayn know that you both stopped by and yeah thanks for the cookies. Saved me from finding breakfast. Until next time."

He didn't bother seeing or hearing their reaction and shut the door on their faces. His head will explode if he doesn't take a pill. So he did after kicking the two boys out of the houses whose names he didn't bother remembering and tore off the paper where one of their phone number was written.

Last night must have been okay since intoxicated or not Louis never forgets a good fuck. Its his only talent, according to him.

While Louis was preparing to take his morning drag of smoke, somewhere in Styles residence, Harry couldn't keep his mind off the beautiful blue eyed boy, wondering how can someone be this blunt. Unlike his husband, harry wasn't a judgemental person but he had never seen someone like this. Harry was always taught to think before opening his mouth and have a filter. But this boy intrigued harry. A little more than necessary for a married man.

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