Chapter 19

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A/N- Thank you to all of you who are still reading this book, your comments give me life! They're awesome!

Anyways, this chapter is more about Louis's feelings..? I hope it's not too bad. Also, I don't know anything about football or how it works in England. I don't even live in Europe so lol! I'm probably bullshitting a bit, well how much ever I can.

This is dedicated to @louiskittenfluff just cause you wanted one. :D


"Louis." Harry kissed his neck.

"Baby." He moved lower and nipped on his collarbone.

"Hmm.. Harold." Louis squirmed, trying to get away. "Stop."

They were sitting in Liam and Zayn's living room couch, with Louis perched on Harry's lap trying his best to play his video game.

Normally, he would love to spend time by making out with his boyfriend, but Louis just got this game and Stan had already won before him, bruising his ego, so he needs to win by tonight to redeem himself.

"Why aren't you paying attention to me!?" Louis didn't need to look at Harry to see him pout over dramatically. Since they started dating Harry has gotten his true dorky self out way more.

"Not in the mood, Styles." Louis bit his lips to try not to smile and continued to concentrate on his game.

"Really?" Harry smirked. He leaned in closer to Louis's ear and whispered in a deep voice. "Do you want daddy to teach you a lesson?" With that he swiftly slipped his hand inside Louis's boxer and palmed his dick which was starting to get hard under his touch.

Louis gasped loud and then moaned at the contact. Harry always knows how to leave him speechless. "What will you do, spank me, daddy? I've already gotten that, it's not that great.." Louis loves testing Harry and Harry knows this. What can you say? The couple likes it rough.

Harry was about launch himself at Louis but jumped up in surprise making Louis fall down on his arse when Liam popped out from behind the sofa yelling, "No sex on the couch!"

"Liam what the fuck! Are you out of your mind!" Louis hissed as he tried to caress his sore bum cheeks.

Liam just leaned in towards Harry ear and whispered, "I told you I'll be watching" and with that he turned around and walked away.

The moment was all ruined. Harry helped Louis get up and sat him back on his lap, one hand soothing his arse cheek and other holding his hand.

He kissed Louis's forehead, "Louis, I need to talk to you about something."

That instantly made the boy perk up. He knew this day was going to come but not this way, not when he least expected it to be. But life has always done that with him. Honestly, he should be used to this by now, but he failed in this aspect too.

"Go ahead." This is karma getting back at him. "I'm listening."

"So, Zayn told me about how Liam's friend who is the coach of English premier league has really been impressed by your football playing skills and is willing to let you on the team by pulling some strings and you just denied the offer?" Harry asked.

The boy gulped, shit! This is not what he wishes to discuss! But at least Harry didn't break up with him. "I just don't wanna do it, I guess..?"

"But, baby, why? I mean I didn't even know you played football-"

"Of course, I do. After all, I'm goals!" Louis mocked being offended by placing his hand on his chest.

Harry shook his head fondly. "Zayn told me you were the best in your school and you loved it." Harry noticed Louis shifted on his lap, avoiding eye contact with him and also so that he couldn't see his face.

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