Chapter 3

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It had been 2 weeks since the dinner and neither Louis, nor Harry had forgotten about their eventful encounter.

Harry was determined to ignore his attractive neighbour after wanking in the shower thinking about him, while his husband was sleeping in their bedroom. He tried convincing himself that it was because he has needs to be satisfied and his husband was simply too busy in his work to notice his sexual frustration. But, that just marginally lessened the guilt.

In the house next door, Louis on the other hand was giving a blowjob.

At least, one of them is getting it.


"Hey, honey-" Harry had called Nick, the man excited to have a nice day off and spend it with his lovely husband.

"Harry, I'm a bit busy. I have tons of work to finish. I'll see you tomorrow morning, have to stay in and work overnight." Nick rushed. He cut off the phone call not bothering about Harry's reply.

A loud sigh left Harry and he threw his phone on the bed, getting a mini heart attack, when it bounced threatening to fall off. But, thankfully didn't, he really wasn't in the mood to transfer all his data to another phone, again.

It didn't really hurt that much, Harry was used to Nick not showing up when he needed him.

'It's okay. It's okay. It's not his fault. You know how business can be.'

Guess, it will just be him all alone in this vast empty space of a house, which had more rooms than they require. So, he made up his mind to go outside, take a swim in the pool and just lay down on the chair to get himself a nice tan.


Louis had just woken up from his deep slumber and was walking downstairs to the kitchen for a snack when he stopped mid-step with his jaw half hanging in the air.

Harry Edward Styles was laying half naked with sunglasses perched up on his nose. What. The. Fuck!

Louis smirked, "Finally found you." It was as if Harry had disappeared from the face of earth for Louis, since the teen hadn't seen him once in the past couple of weeks. Maybe it was his own fault... He was hardly at home anyways.

"What a perfect day for a car wash!" No, it definitely wasn't. The weather was not that warm with an uncertainty of getting cold again. Besides that, the car didn't even need to be washed.

But, oh well, Louis Tomlinson does what he wants and he wants to wash Liam's car -cause he didn't have one- in booty shorts.

Not a necessity, but a preference.

So, he found himself outside, at the back of the house. He thanked Zayn internally to buy a house whose garage opening was at the backside, right opposite their lovely neighbour's pool. After spending fifteen minutes to gather the washing materials, as he didn't really know where it was kept, he left the house.

Louis has never washed a car before, but he has seen porn. They really can be helpful at times.

After getting the car out of the garage, Louis began his show. He knew working in strip club had it's perks. Looking straight at Harry, Louis turned his back to him.

He bent down picking up the sponge dipped in the soapy water, he didn't really need Harry to remove his shades to know that the man was ogling his arse.

Anybody would, especially with that big of an arse with a booty shorts not doing a good job covering it and when it's right in front of someone who hasn't gotten off for a long time.

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