Chapter 6

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"Wait this- this is wrong! I'm married." Harry pulled away from feverishly making out with Louis, both their lips were swollen, a string of spit connecting them as they breathed out heavily.

"And I'm horny! So, are we fucking or not." The boy was getting impatient with Harry's indecisiveness.

It had been a very stressful day for Harry in the office. Now, normally he would keep his temper in check and not let anger get the best of him. A memorable business loss followed by his father's disappointment speech was making him feel more and more agitated.

This is the kind of situations where one needs someone to ground oneself, to coax him, to calm him or better yet let him unleash his problems on them without the fear of that person leaving him for such a mere reason. This is the perfect kind of situation where one would like to spend it with their life partner.

Just as Harry was about to call Nick, he got a message.

Nick- Hey, honey. Need to leave for France tonight, work issues. Will be back by Monday.

With jaw clenched, teeth gritting, fingers pinching the temples and resembling almost like a mad man, Harry called his 'husband.'

"What the hell, Nick!" Harry roared not even bothering to let Nick speak first.

"Harry, keep your voic-" Nick whisper-yelled.

"You shut up, Nick. Don't tell me what to do! I haven't seen you for the past couple of weeks and now you're going off!"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, Harry. You out of all people know what's it like in business!" Nick hissed. "And stop over exaggerating, we did see each other."

"If you call looking at your face for ten minutes seeing-"

"Oh My God! What's wrong with you! Stop acting so clingy."

"Since when was wanting some quality time with my husband being clingy. Bye!" Harry slammed his phone on his desk.

"I need a drink." Murmuring to himself, he reached in his pockets for car keys and found some small sheet of paper.

He opened the crumbled note to see a club address and the past events of last weekend rushed into his head.

Every rational thought of his brain told him not to go there, but he found himself sitting on the bar stool in front of a bartender.

"Give me the strongest drink you have." He dropped his head on the table.

"Think you can handle it?" A all too familiar voice made his head snap up. "Not that surprised to see you here, Mr. Styles." Oh, so now he remembers my name. Wonder, how it would feel when he screams it.

All of a sudden, his anger melted away and he felt nervous because of the teenager standing in front of him. "Umm-" the way his blue eyes stood out in the darkness of the club by the dim lights and the shadow of his long eyelashes on his high cheekbones made Harry loose his sense of speech.

"Well, enjoy your free drink. It's on me." Louis leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "And if want something else on me, that'll be free too." He winked.

"Fuck!" Harry muttered seeing Louis leave with an extra sway to his hips.

Another drink down and Harry was tipsy, he wasn't really much of an alcohol drinker so his capacity of handling it was quite low. He got up on unsteady footing and slightly stumbled his way on the dance floor towards Louis, who had gotten off his shift.

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