Chapter 11

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Cerulean eyes which had turned glassy and a breathtaking shade of midnight ocean, with cheeks and chest flushed a beautiful red. Swollen pink lips were raw and bitten as they parted saying, "Ugh.. Harry!"

His eyes snapped open to see dull brown eyes staring back at him. Fuck! He just day dreamed about someone else instead of his husband in their own bedroom while having sex with who he is suppose to.

At realising this, his pace slowed down, his member turning soft. But, he can't do that.. No, Nick doesn't deserve this. Shit! He tries thinking about the way Louis's curvaceous figure fit against him so perfectly, the way he managed to drive Harry crazy and it didn't take long for Harry to pick up his pace and come to the thoughts of Louis inside of his husband.

As he wrapped his arms around Nick, he felt the familiar warmth, but it wasn't enough, it didn't make him feel content. In fact, it was quite bland.

"Love you." Nick whispered before dozing off.

"Love you too." Those words didn't make his heart race and maybe they're aren't meant to every time, books lie. But, something in the back of his mind nagged him, reminding how much skipping does his heart do when Louis just smiles at him.

All these thoughts were giving him a headache, so he pushed them at the back of his mind timidly holding his fatigue responsible for such misleading emotions.

Sighing he turned to look down at Nick, maybe they were just going through a rough patch. Every marriage has that, doesn't mean he should give up on them and then again he's known Nick for so long, it's too late to move on now.

Their history is what'll give him stability. And Nick regrets not giving Harry some time, so maybe this could work out.

"Hey." Nick smiled softly at Harry, who was about to change after coming home from work.

He curtly nodded, "You're back early."

"Didn't like it there." He sighs and steps closer to Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and lightly tugging the back of his hair. "Harry, I miss you and I'm so sorry for the way I acted, you didn't deserve that. I just don't want to fight with you anymore."

Harry couldn't control his thought process which instantly started comparing the way his husband's hands were not dainty and didn't make any goosebumps rise on his skin or how much he did crave this feeling from his neighbour.

Yes, Harry did feel guilty as Nick hugged him, resting his head against Harry's chest, but the reasons why he felt guilty were getting blurry.


Rubbing the sleep off from his eyes, Louis opened the door to see a dimpled smile on Harry's face. "Sorry to wake you up at one in the afternoon on a Sunday."

Louis huffed, "Hey, I was out at a party yesterday." He wished he could say that he had some good hardcore sex last night or something, but all he did was get drunk and high trying to find some green eyed guy with long curly hair, not that he wished to interpret why. But, it didn't go further than making out, as Louis could feel it being weird and backed out, having a quite night.

"Hmm.." Harry desperately wanted to ask more, but Louis cut him off.

"So, Nick's back?" Was that disappointment he hears in his tone when he asked Harry after seeing a lovebite on his neck.

"Yeah." Harry says and remembers how the next morning Nick had asked him why the temperature of the house was so high and how he couldn't answer that it was because Louis gets cold easily. The boy loves roaming around in minimum clothes, so he just turns up the thermostat.

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