Chapter 16

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I'm so sorry for not updating but I've been really busy with school and work is very hectic! I'll try updating asap. Sorry :( and thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting, it's always appreciated :D xx - In_Larry_I_Believe
Squinting his eyes, looking over the goal post, Niall cursed quietly that it had yet again been 2 yards away from the ball he had just swung, "Your turn, mate." He turned towards Harry, who's eyes were furrowed together concentrating on anything but golf and with pursed lips he swung and hit the ball so hard that a 'plonk' was heard as the ball went down the lake, "The fuck's wrong with you!?"

"Nothing." He answered after a pause, voice deeper than usual.

"It's not your husband's goddamn prostrate that you're hitting it so hard." He chuckled and went over to fetch another ball.

Harry shook his head, contemplating whether or not to mention what's bothering him till he thought, fuck it, Niall's never going to judge him, "Do you think Nick's cheating on me?"

A silence fell upon them as Niall stopped whatever he was doing and stood in front of Harry, he sighed before saying, "You're still with Louis." Niall didn't know that, but it was a pretty easy guess since he's known his best friend for a very long time.

It was more of a statement than a question and Harry squirmed under Niall's scrutinising glare. "I was never with him." Harry replied horribly, "We- we just fucked around.."

"Yeah." Niall snorted. "And you're fucked cause you've fallen for him."

"What! No, how did you- no!" Harry shook his head while his heart was beating rapidly.

Rolling his eyes at Harry's pathetic attempt, Niall went back to swinging his golf club, "Why are you asking me about Nick cheating on you?" He swung it forward, watching the ball go, he muttered, "Haven't he already done that."

"That was once in college and it was a drunk mistake." Harry scowled, "I've already forgiven him for that."

With one hand on his hips and other propping his weight on the golf club, Niall said, "Drunk mistake." He gave a 'are you serious' face, "You were there to know that right." He said sarcastically.

"God Niall! That was in the past. What's it got to do with the present!?" He gestures wildly with his arms, fisting his hair in frustration and breathing heavily with his nostrils.

"It means you need to stop being a coward, Harry!" Niall went forward and grabbed Harry's shoulders spinning his stupid friend around to face him. "Why are you so afraid of being alone!? And who says you're going to be."

"You don't know shit, Niall!" Harry roared.

"Then please do tell me!" He folded his arms in front of his chest, raising an eyebrow at Harry's agitated form.

"I don't need a relationship advice from someone who's never been in one." He knows it's harsh, but it's anger speaking.

"At least I'm waiting for something meaningful so that I don't end up cheating on my partner's arse." It was equally a low blow. Seeing Harry look down, a bit more calmer and sadder than before, he added now softly, "I know it's not easy. It's not suppose you be, it's risky and nothing like you've ever dealt with before." He rubbed Harry's shoulders in comfort, "But, isn't he worth it?"

Harry just looked up at him like a lost and wounded over large puppy.

"And think about your happiness first, not your parent's, they're not going to live your life. Do you think you could live the rest of your life in misery and emptiness with the guilt of not taking the fall even if just lasted for a while, it'll at least make you feel alive." He patted Harry's shoulders leaving the man completely clueless as to what to do.

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