Chapter 2

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Friday night soon came and Louis jumped around a bit to get into his tightest pair of jeans to fit him and showed off his amazing arse. He chose to wear a plain white tank top to flaunt his toned biceps and defined collarbones.

After spending fifteen minutes on his hair to get that perfect messy hair look which seemed as if he just woke up and lazily run his hands through them, but it suited him well. He has to portray that he didn't waste so much of his time to dress up for Harry. But in reality, took a bit more than an hour.

"Let's go. I'm ready." Louis yelled running down the stairs.

Zayn sighed heavily, "I don't even know why the fuck am I going!"

"Because they invited you, honey and it will seem very rude if we don't go. I promise it won't be that bad." Liam stood next to Zayn and wrapped his arm around his waist making Zayn snuggled his head in Liam's chest. "What are you wearing!?" Liam gasped audibly when he looked up at Louis. "It's cold outside. Grab your jacket and put it on."

"Oh shut it, Payno! It's not that cold." Louis groaned.

"It is and even if it isn't, there is no need for you to wear such- such revealing clothes." Liam wildly gestured with his hands at Louis's choice of outfit.

"Oh my god. You're acting as if I'm wearing some lingerie. Relax, it's just clothes and there's like no one who'll be attracted towards me." Of course Louis was lying, everyone knew it. Besides, what's so wrong in looking good?

They all walked out of their house and Liam purposely grabbed Louis's jacket. Louis shivered but dare not showed it. Liam saw it anyways and threw the jacket at Louis with a smug look on his face.

Louis scowled and threw it back at Liam, who now gave him a stern look. "Health first, seduction later."

Louis fake gasped and placed his hand on his chest to appear offended, "Lima bean, we are visiting a married couple, who will I wish to seduce."

"Don't act coy, Lou. I know you very well." Liam forcefully placed the jacket over the teen's shoulders.

Louis was about to shrug it off, when Zayn stopped walking mid-way and turned to look at the bantering. "Louis, just wear the damn jacket or freeze to death! Liam, leave the boy alone. We are almost there and if I hear one single word from anyone of you, Liam you will sleep on the couch and Louis say bye-bye to your video games for a week." That seemed to shut them both up. "Now please, let just go there as a civilised family and get this shit over with."

Louis childishly showed his tongue at Liam and threw the jacket at him. Liam rolled his eyes but kept it with him.

They finally arrived and were standing outside. Liam rang the doorbell and stepped back to wrap his arms around Zayn's waist and kissed his temple as a silent apology for his earlier actions. He smiled when his fiancé didn't push him away.

The door was swung open to reveal a too brightly smiling Nick, "I'm so glad you could make it. Please, come in."

"The pleasure is all ours." Liam replied with a polite smile and Zayn handed Nick an expensive bottle of champagne-which they had taken away without Louis's permission- and said, "This is for you both Styles."

"You didn't have to." Nick said taking away the bottle and motioning them inside. His smile soon disappeared seeing Louis who was standing behind the couple and had just been noticed by Nick. "Did you-um- come to drop them by..?" He asked awkwardly. There was no way in hell was he letting this hooligan inside his house!

"Nope." Louis slightly shoved Nick out of his way and walked inside the house.

"You've got a beautiful house." Liam smiled at Nick.

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