Chapter 14

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Listen to 'I hate you I love you' by gnash ft Olivia o'Brien while reading this chapter.


"Fucking hell!" Louis kept on cursing at the TV screen, his fingers furiously pressing the buttons of the video game controller. "Stay there, Stan. Don't you fucking move!" He yelled in the headset. He'd gotten up at some godly hour of the night, not being able to sleep and it was almost evening and he had yet to leave his game to notice his surroundings.

"Let's do it, now." Zayn said looking over at Louis's appearance consisting of just sweatpants and disheveled hair with crumbs of Doritos around his mouth. This worried both of them because they were used to the same Louis at some other time without any dark circles under his eyes. He's not sleeping and that's saying something.

"Hey, Lou." Liam said while sitting next to Zayn, opposite Louis. The boy just grunted in response, stuffing his face with a handful of chips, munching it obnoxiously, the crumbs falling everywhere and continued using the same greasy hands on the controller making Liam wince in disgust. "We need to talk to you about something." After all they got was a nod but no eye contact, Zayn gave Liam a look, which made him switch off the television.

"Are you stupid! Liam, what t-"

Liam raised his arm to stop Louis's rambling. "It's important." Louis groaned and dropped his head back on the couch, "But, first go wash your hands and mouth." He pointed his finger in the direction of the bathroom.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He whined. But, when Liam raised his eyebrow saying that the couch will get dirty and Louis would have to clean it, he trudged on his way, his long sweatpants' ends dragging below his feet. Zayn shook his head on realising that it's not Louis's with the way how long it was and a bit snug on his arse and thighs. If it's who he thinks it is, well, then shit!

"Can you just please hurry up!?" The boy had came back with a clean pair of sweater on, which again wasn't his because it was giving him sweater paws.

"Louis, we've been noticing your behaviour for the last couple of weeks and it's....uh" Liam awkwardly furrowed his eyebrows and fumbled around with his words.

His fiancé rolled his eyes, Liam can't confront people about feelings for shit, "Do you have feelings for Harry?"

For a second, Louis could hear his heartbeat increase rapidly in his ears, with widened eyes his first instinct was to frantically shake his head no, but then forced out a snort, "He's got a big dick." The boy avoided looking at his two mate's eyes and rubbed his arm, trying to act nonchalant.

The prolonged silence just confirmed their suspicion, "Louis." Zayn didn't move his eyes away from Louis's face for once. "He's married." The voice was soft yet firm, understanding yet warning, caring yet unnerving.

Something snapped inside of Louis, he stood up from his place, "Do you think I don't know that, goddammit!" He barked. "If the ring he always so proudly wears isn't enough for me to see he's married! Or the way he leaves me hanging for someone else isn't enough to prove that he'll never be mine!" His face was red in rage, nose flaring with heavy pants and a frown evident on his face. Sitting down soundly after realising what he just said, Louis wiped under his tired eyes, not getting any moisture in his fingertips, just a burning ache in his heart. "Why are you asking this?" He asked much calmer now, voice raspy but not cracking.

Feelings being there was known by the couple, but then being this deep had them worried. Before Liam could say something in utter protectiveness instead of consolation, Zayn said, "It's not wrong."

Louis let out a dry humourless chuckle, "How is liking someone who can never be yours not wrong?"

"Cause falling for people for who they are instead of who they can be for you isn't selfish and that's right irrespective of the situation or consequences."

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