Chapter 13

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Just want to thank all of you amazing people who remove some time out of your schedule to view, read, vote and comment on what I write. It's always appreciated. ❤️

"That's so cool, Aiden." Louis smiled at the boy perched up in his lap. The little boy grinned back at Louis showing him that for his homework of drawing his favourite person in this world, he had drew his version of Louis with irregular body shape, curved calves, one limb shorter than the other and eyes big dots of blue, messy strokes of light brown colour as the hair.

It's the most beautiful painting Louis's ever seen and it melts his whole heart, "Thank you so much, Aiden." He kissed Aiden's forehead. "Let's go and buy a photo frame so I can place this masterpiece on my bed side table." He picked up Aiden and placed the boy on his hips. Yes, he pampered Aiden a lot. But, who could resist those big doe brown eyes and dimples! And dimples are kinda Louis's weakness.

As they were about to leave, Liam came inside, "Hey, Louis. Hello, Aiden." He smiled looking at how Aiden hid his face from Liam by burying it in Louis's neck.

"Show uncle Liam what you and me drew together." Louis says nudging the boy in his arms. He hurriedly bend down to take the drawing book and showed it off to Liam like some overly-encouraging parent.

Even though, Aiden's frequent visits at the Malik residence made Liam and Zayn not strangers, he was still a bit shy around them.

"Why is he drawn Pepe with curly hair?" Liam raised his eyebrow.

"That's Harry." Louis said snorting. "Oh and the person next to him is Gemma, which you have to agree is drawn way too better for a six year old." It really wasn't, just the body didn't seem to slant in some weird direction unlike others. "The next one's Nick. I decided to add the fangs while Aiden did all the other work of adding horns and tail."

Liam shook his head at Louis, who giggled along with Aiden.

"The best figure on the other side of Harry is me." Louis said like a proud mom boasting about her child.

"Sure it is." Liam rolled his eyes playfully, "But, seriously Aiden, that's some great drawings." He smiled fondly at Louis looking down with a crinkly eyed smile towards Aiden who snuggled further into Louis after muttering a thanks. "We're going out tonight, wanna join?" He asked Louis.

"Sure." With that he left, whispering something along the lines of how uncle Liam is actually a live human Lima bean, who changes into a green spandex in the nights to distribute Lima beans all around the world making Aiden burst into a fit of giggles.


"Thank you again for doing this, Louis." Gemma took Aiden's sleeping form from Louis's arm.

After going for the photo frame shopping, which actually ended up being a candy, ice cream and a Spider-Man figure shopping, Louis returned back to drop Aiden off at the Harry's place. Gemma shook her head fondly seeing the amount of increased bags of Aiden held by Louis, she tells him not to buy Aiden so much stuff, but Louis loves the kid. Reminds him of his sisters back in Doncaster, "You know he's growing attached to you."

Harry, who was standing next to Gemma also flashed Louis his famous dimpled smile, making Louis's heart clench a little.

"At least this isn't one sided." Louis says looking at Harry. They both tried to pretend as if the meaning was unknown to them.

"Well, I need to get going. It's getting late." She left with Aiden after bidding goodbye.

Watching in silence as Gemma pulled out of Harry's driveway, the man asks, "Would you like to come inside?"

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