Chapter 4

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Louis snapped his eyes open and pushed the alarm off his bedside table, breaking it in the process. Who the fuck put John Cena as his alarm ringtone!

'Wait, I don't have an alarm..' What job does he have to be at? Realising the day being Liam and Zayn's departure day, Louis screamed in the empty house, "Fuck you, Payne!"

Liam had always insisted on Louis to get up early and have a healthy start for the day, he's lucky he's not present, or else Louis would scalp him alive.

Who wakes someone up at 10 in the morning especially someone like Louis, whose morning starts from noon.

He smirked at himself thinking for a perfect payback.

Picking up his phone, he called Stan, "Party at my house, tonight."


Harry slammed his file on the desk, not able to concentrate any further. The music blaring from the house opposite of his was making it harder for him to work.

After trying to focus for ten more minutes, he just couldn't take it and made his way out.

As he came across the party, he scrunched up his nose seeing people grinding on each other and making fool out of themselves by being clearly drunk. It was no wonder that there are illegal substances consumed by them too. Harry never liked parties, he was coddled a bit by his parents being the only son and also their only obedient child.

The noise was getting louder by each step he took getting closer to the house, he looked around trying to find Louis. Spotting him with his back towards Harry, he quickly walked up to him with the intentions of showing him the wrath of anger pulsing inside Harry.

But, he halted his steps few yards away when Louis turned towards him, too busy giggling at something his friends were saying to notice him. And wow! under the lights, Louis's blue eyes seem to be looking so beautiful and captivating framed by his thick lashes. Harry had never experienced such a breathtaking scene. Louis looked so gorgeous with those crinkles by his eyes and a smile so bright, Harry wished to always see him this way. Harry doesn't even know him personally but someone with a smile like that, should never be given a reason to not look like that.

He was too engrossed into his thoughts about Louis, to notice him walk upto Harry. "Hey!"

"U-um, hel-hello." The fuck is he stuttering!

"I didn't remember inviting you but someone this hot is always welcomed." Louis smirked. He's not drunk, not even a bit tipsy. He's completely aware of the things he's saying to his married neighbour.

"Yeah. Actua-" Harry regained his posture, but was cut off by Louis's friend hollering.

"Tommo, you're coming or not! The game's about to begin."

"Yeah, I am. Just wait." Louis turned towards Harry, "Do you mind holding my drink, I'll be right back." He took off in some random direction.

You see, Louis knows people like Harry don't belong to his type of environment and he has no doubt that Harry will follow him.

Harry does follow him, "No, Louis wait! I just need you to lower the volume!"

Louis could hardly hear his follower over the loud music while making his way to the living room where 6-8 people were siting in a circle.

Harry grabbed his arm to spin him around, caught by surprise Louis stumbles over him.

"Woah, getting a bit handsy, Mr. Style." Louis smirks.

Harry's eyes widen and soon drop his arms to his sides, but before he could react any further, Louis grabs his wrist and pull him down in the space left in between the circle.

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