Chapter 20

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"Louis." Zayn startled the young boy, who was staring into the empty space. "What's gotten you so worried?" He asked, plopping down next to him on the couch.

"Nothing." Louis blinked his eyes hoping they won't reflect what's going on inside his head. "Just worried about my first football match coming up next week."

After looking carefully at Louis for a moment longer, "Louis, I wan-"

"Where's Liam? I haven't seen much of him for a week now." Louis cut Zayn off before this conversation could start becoming like the ones he keeps on having inside his head in order to console his own self cause he doesn't have anyone else.

"Boxing classes."

"When? And why boxing all of a sudden?"

"He started when you started dating Harry." Zayn snorted.

"You- you really think that we won't last..?" Louis's voice wavered. His worst nightmare just came true.

"What! Louis, no, I was just kidding." Zayn was shocked at his best mate's reaction. He scooted closer to Louis, "Tell me what's wrong?" He rubbed Louis's shoulders to offer some comfort, "You know you can trust me."

After a couple of moments of Louis looking up and down wondering whether to say what's on his mind or not, he finally decided he has nothing to lose, "I'm really very scared."

"Of what?"

"Of losing him. Zayn, I have finally reached that stage in my life which I never thought I could ever reach or deserved to ever have in my life and it's all so scary. Cause all this won't last and this time even I won't." Louis sniffled. "I'm not strong enough to see all this taken away from me. To give me the hope of fulfilling my dreams, just to see it shatter." Now he was full on crying on Zayn's shoulders. It was as if all his wounds were opened and it hurts when it's all out in the open, but it's also the first step to healing.

"Louis, why are you saying all that, nothing is going to go wrong. I've known Harry for quite some time now, he's smitten by you." He petted Louis's hair, while rubbing circles on his back, "And who said everything will end so bad-"

"Cause I'm Louis and only bad things happen to someone like me!" Louis looked up at his friend, with tears streaming down his face.

"Was meeting me or Liam a bad thing? Was meeting Harry? Dating him?" Zayn raised his eyebrow. He saw Louis about to protest so, he quickly shut him up by saying, "You can't live your life worrying about what's going to happen next. You know nothing about the future, all you have is now, so make the most of it. And go tell Harry how you're feeling, he's a good guy, Lou."

Zayn helped wiping Louis's tears away and gave him a thumbs up when the boy stood up, "Before I change my mind, I'm going off to see Harry. Thank you, Zayn." He smiled as he ran off to Harry's.

"Proud of you. Always." Zayn muttered.


Louis saw that the lights were out of Harry's house, so he still must be working.

"Harry?" Louis had called him.

"Yes Lou?" Harry said sweetly from the other side. It has been days since Louis had called first.

"Are you in your office?"

"Yeah. I have a lot of-"

"Well, I'm coming there." Louis disconnected the phone, way too determined to go over and pour his feelings out to his lover.


It was way past the working hour, so the office was practically empty and he made his way to the top floor to Harry's office.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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