Chapter 10

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"Harry!" The voice boomed in the empty living room.

"Who's that?" Louis asked seeing Harry's wide eyes as he pulled back from Louis.

"That's my sister, Gemma." He gulped and hastily started pulling up his jeans halfway, jumping around to fit him properly, while running about to wear his shirt. Being clumsy as he is, Harry hit his elbow and toe in the process, the little pinky one which hurts the most. He had to bite his fist to stop himself from yelping.

Louis bit his bottom lip, trying hard not to laugh. "Should I leave?"

"Uh.." Harry was stopped midway, turning to look at Louis from the doorway, "No, no, it's fine. You can come out." He paused and was almost all the way out, when he returned to say, "After you're not half naked.."

"Oh, so you mean full naked." Louis smirked. "You're one kinky bastard."

Harry raised his eyebrows so high with parted lips, it was funny and cute. "No, I don't mean -"

"Relax, Curly I was kidding." Louis chuckled. "Now go." He shook his head in the way Harry tripped over his own feet. "Fuck, he's so cute." He sighed.

"Hey, Ge-" Harry walked over to hug his sister.

"Where were you?" She pulled back. But, before he could answer, she thrusted a bag in his hand, "I have been called up for a meeting at last minute and the babysitter can't make it. Please take care of Aiden till I come back. It'll take me 4-5 hours maximum. I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, sure." Everything was going too fast for Harry to comprehend, not that he minded taking care of his nephew.

"Who's this?" Gemma's asked looking behind him.

"Oh, that's Louis, my neighbour." He gestured towards the boy who looked so pretty with his hair looking messy-probably by Harry tugging at it-and soft, just like it felt under his fingertips and his eyes having the most luring blue in them, framed by his thick long lashes. And yeah, Harry forgot how to breath.

"Yup, that's me." Louis's voice make him snap out of zone. He wished that every time he gets interrupted, it's because of this sweet voice. "Just a friendly neighbour." The teen winked at Harry.

"Oh, Hey. Lovely to meet you, but I need to leave, I'm getting late." She turned towards Aiden and kissed his forehead, "I'll be back soon, be good for Uncle Harry." The man prayed to whoever's listening that thank god! Gemma was way too much in hurry to notice that he had worn his shirt inside out and his hair was most likely a mess.

After Gemma banged the door close behind her, Harry let out a sigh and looked down at his six year old nephew, who was shifting uncomfortably. He has always been a very shy kid.

Harry was about to tell Louis to go if he wants to since they clearly can't do anything right now. But, he was a bit taken back when he saw Louis bend down at Aiden's height, "Hey buddy. I'm Louis, your Uncle Harry's friend and we were just about to watch Spider-Man, would you like to join us?" His voice was so soft and caring.

Aiden bit the corner of his lip, twisting his bag's strap before nodding with an nervous excited glint in his eyes. Harry openly gaped at Louis leading his nephew, who's never been this responsive to a new-comer so fast.

When Louis returned back after seating Aiden in the living room, Harry was still gaping at him, "How did you do that?"

Louis made a confused face of half frown and half pout, "What do you mean?"

"My nephew is very shy, doesn't open up to people fast."

"Who said he opened up to me?" Louis raised his eyebrow.

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