Chapter 12

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Louis moaned against Harry's mouth as the man said, "Fuck.. I miss-ed... you so much." They were kissing frantically, teeth clashing, tongues lapping with each other's.

Tugging Harry's long curls, Louis gripped his biceps tightly as he was picked up from the ground by the back of his thighs. Harry gripped his thighs, holding them snugly around his hips as he kept on assaulting Louis's mouth with his tongue.

"Then show me how you did, daddy." Louis moved his lips away from Harry's to catch his breath for a second before latching onto Harry's jaw right below his ear.

Harry groaned at that and grabbed onto Louis's arse with one hands while moving the other to hold him around his waist. He loved how perfectly Louis fits in his huge hands.

Stumbling, Harry pushed open the nearest door with his back, which was luckily not locked. Turns out, it was the bathroom, but hey, who's complaining! He placed Louis on the counter, shifting his hands towards Louis's bend knees at his hips to push them up, making Louis detach his mouth from Harry's neck while falling back. But, Harry caught him before that, he looked down at Louis who now had wet, swollen red lips and pupils blown wide with lust peering up a him. Harry's heart started beating a bit faster at how beautiful and ethereal Louis looked, it's a privilege he gets to hold him and he should show that to Louis.

With that thought in mind, he slowly took off Louis's shirt, kissing every inch of the skin as it exposed. He nipped and kissed on Louis's collarbones, while running his hands along Louis's sides, feeling goosebumps rise underneath his fingertips.

After feeling satisfied by leaving huge red hickeys on both Louis's collarbones and the sides of his neck, he caressed Louis's cheeks with his thumb and held the nape of his neck while leaning down to give Louis a kiss. It was so endearing and passionate that it made Louis feel like crying for some reason. He's never been kissed like this before and it feels... It's just makes him feel for the first time.

Harry ran his hands up and down Louis's back before ever so gently picking him up by his waist, like Louis will break under his touch. Normally, Louis would object this, he hates been treated like he's weak, but don't you feel insulted instead of warm when that happens?

This time, Harry carries Louis to a bedroom, in the heat of the moment, he doesn't realise that's it actually Nick and his bedroom. They've never done it here, Harry isn't that cruel, but now he can't concentrate on anything besides taking care of the most wonderful boy in his arms, making sure he knows that.

Laying him down carefully, Harry has yet to stop kissing him. "You're so beautiful, Lou. The most perfect being I've ever laid my eyes on." He murmurs against Louis's lips.

All the boy wants right now is to scream and bash Harry's head against a fucking wall because what's he doing!? Why is he talking like Louis's the only one for him when they both know that's not true? Harry's isn't his. But what he needs is Harry to be all over him, whispering sweet nothings to him, even if it's just for the while. Louis is his and when Harry had texted him to come over, he knew it inside his heart that something might've gone wrong with Nick.

In short, Harry wanted someone and Louis came as just a temporary fix.

Harry took off his shirt maintaining his eye contact with Louis and  loomed over him, kissing his cheeks, nose, forehead, all over his face as his hands slid down to remove Louis's pants along with his boxers. He gave one last searing kiss to Louis's lips before moving down to Louis's flushed hard cock.

He kissed the tip and licked the pre-come off the slit before engulfing Louis's dick inside his mouth. Louis moaned loud and hitched his legs up bending them at his knees, grabbing hold of Harry's long curls as the man kept on bobbing his mouth up and down Louis's dick.

"God, Haz! Ugh." Louis kept on babbling and whined low in his throat when Harry pulled back with plump pink lips, a line of spit connecting with his dick. Louis moaned at the sight.

"Look so pretty like this, baby." Harry whispered in the quite room where the only sound were of their pants and mingled breaths. He kissed Louis, bitting and sucking on his bottom lip as he grabbed the bottle of lube from the bedside table, coating his fingers with it.

He could feel Louis gasp against his mouth as Harry plunged in his middle finger inside Louis's fluttering hole. He moved his finger around till he found the sweet bundle of nerves and nudged it, letting out a growl at the way Louis's back arched off the bed with eyes squinted shut.

Slipping in a second finger, Harry went down to take one of Louis's nipple in his mouth, sucking hard at it and tugging it lightly with his teeth. The sounds the boy was making below him was pure heaven to Harry's ears. Louis was withering in pleasure when Harry scissored him open with three fingers.

"Open your eyes, love." Harry said looking down at Louis whose one hand was clutching Harry's shoulders tightly while other running up and down Harry's chest and torso. "Let me see the beauty they hold." Louis fluttered his eyes open with lips parted as Harry thrusted his fingers in and out of his tight hole.

"Ha-rry, need- need you inside me." Harry nodded at once and remove his fingers out of Louis, making him whine at the sudden emptiness. He wiped his fingers clean on the bed sheet, stood up and unbuckled his belt, letting his jeans and boxers fall down as he sighed at his neglected and now very hard dick was released from the pressure.

He moaned at seeing Louis look at him like that and moved towards Louis on the bed, when the teen motioned him to come ahead. He kneeled down in front of Louis's up right sitting form, "Mmph, Louis." He threw his head back and moaned loudly as the boy lathered his dick in lube.

They kissed slowly like having all the time in this world and Harry carefully laid Louis back down while rubbing circles on the back of his neck and hips.

Louis's panted heavily as Harry guided his dick to Louis's fluttering hole. As he moved in inch by inch breathing out littles uhs watching Louis gazing up with so much fond.

Once balls deep inside of Louis, Harry kissed him again and again, muttering praises in between those kisses. The boy thrusted back, nudging Harry to move. Harry licked inside Louis's mouth one last time before moving to support his weight on his elbows, either side of Louis's head.

The boy threw his head back in ecstasy with parting his lips in a silent scream as Harry pulled all the way out only to thrust in hard and deep.

The drags were slow, thrusts deep making time pause around them. A tear slipped down Louis's cheek feeling the pain and pleasure. Not knowing the reason behind the pain part since he likes the stretch and was loving it right now. So, what was the reason when Harry thumbed it away, murmuring, "Ssh.. Baby, I've got you...." two, three more slipped down?

Harry leaned forward to kiss Louis, swallowing his screams and moans when he saw him nearing to his orgasm. Louis clenched around Harry as he painted both their chests with white strips of cum. Thrusting few more times, Harry dropped his head in the crook of his neck, cuming inside Louis.

Shifting his weight, to the side, Harry gave Louis a peck on his temple before falling asleep with arms holding on tight to Louis.

Blinking away from Harry's peaceful and magnificent sleeping form, Louis looked around his surroundings. A grand picture of Harry and Nick hung off a wall with several different ones too. He looked at Harry's face again and compared how happy Harry looked in the pictures, while how satisfied he looked right now.

Louis's just for Harry's satisfaction.

As the boy got up to leave, removing Harry's arms around him, instantly feeling like to go back. But he just walked ahead picking up his clothes feeling so dirty and used.

Louis wishes to not feel this way and say that it was just a random fuck. Harry and him had sex. But it didn't 'feel' that way! When Harry was thrusting in and out of Louis, looking down at him admirably, Louis felt the way he did when Zayn took him under his roof without thinking twice. When Liam waits up late at nights even though he has work the next day just to see whether Louis reached home safely. He felt cared for.

He felt loved. And that's fucked up.

Hope you liked that.

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