Chapter 8

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In_Larry_I_Believe - Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting, it always puts a smile on my face. Also, thank you to @jealouslouis_ for posting this book. I love you xx.
If Louis wouldn't have been so caught up by Jack, Jake, something with J, whispering in his ear and biting lightly on his earlobe with shamelessly touching his arse, he would notice or more like hear Harry's angry stomping towards the pair.

Harry cleared his throat, but seeing no detachment of that fucker from his Louis, he cleared his throat again, much louder, successfully pulling the couple apart for a second.

The teen turned to look at Harry, well as much as he could since James here didn't stop kissing him and just moved to suck down his neck. "Hey, Harold."

"Hello, Louis." Harry tried smiling but it came out more like an angry scowl seeing the guy not moving away.

Louis tugged Jacob's hair to pull him apart cause really Harry's here and he doesn't need anyone till he goes away. He's not quite sure why or what Harry's doing here but for some unknown reason he just doesn't wish to see the man this pissed at him, but when it's at Jason, it's hot. "Woah, Jace, we'll do this some other time." He finally said, completely pulling this guy apart from himself.

The guy frowned, "My name's Joseph." With that he shook his head and walked away.

'There goes away my hook up.' He sighed and smiled at Harry, "So, how have you been?"

"Was actually headed to your club."

"Oh okay, but I wouldn't be able to give you free drinks this time." Louis winked.

"Huh, Why?" Harry scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.

"Got fired." Harry raised an eyebrow for Louis to continue, "Apparently a tall hot blonde bloke could make you forget about the rule of no fucking your co-worker."

Harry clenched his jaw, he was still pissed about earlier, "There's a rule like that for bartenders?" It seemed stupid to have one for a club.

"Kinda." Louis shrugged his shoulders, "Well, while you're working there is."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear about that." Harry said through gritted teeth.

Louis waved his hand, "It's cool. At least i got fucked good." He snorted been completely oblivious to Harry's growing rage.

Now, you see, sex with Louis would have to be one of the best Harry's ever had and it just hurts to think it wasn't the other way round. But, guess he could work on a second impression.

So, Harry roughly grabbed Louis's arse cheeks and pulled him close, making Louis gasp and flew his arms over Harry's neck, "Was he better than me?" His breath ghosted over Louis's lips.

Louis glanced down at his neighbour's lips and back in those beautiful green eyes, which were blown wide with lust, "Well, it's been a long time, must have forgotten. Why don't you give me a re-cap?" And with that Harry lunged towards his mouth, quickly parting Louis's lips with his tongue tasting in Louis's mint taste. The kiss again made him feel the same way he never thought was possible and this time he doesn't have alcohol to blame it on. So, he held lust responsible for this.

This is wrong. He knows that, but he feels like Louis is the right kind of wrong.

He sucked on the boy's tongue and bit down his lower lip, while kneading his arse, making Louis moan in his mouth.

"Tell me does he make such pretty sounds come out of your mouth?" Harry grabbed the back of Louis's thighs and pulled him up. Louis instantly wrapped his legs around Harry's waist with his hands tugging Harry's long curls and panted in Harry's mouth, when the man pressed a finger over his clenching clothed hole.

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