Chapter 9

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"Why do you always do that?" Harry scrunched his eyebrows, frowning at Louis lighting a cigarette.

The boy blew out the smoke after taking a drag, "It's numbs the guilt."

Harry shifted on his side to peer down at Louis's naked and sweaty form, they had been fucking around for more than 3 weeks now. Every time Harry feels amazing and better than before, but also suffocated with remorse piling up in his conscience. Sometimes, he wonders whether the reason he feels the butterflies and happiness when he does something as simple as look at Louis is that he can't stop his wrong doing.

"The failure of my marriage isn't your fault, Louis." His soft words made Louis snort humourlessly. "There's no reason for you to blame yourself for my mistakes."

"Wish the reason was this petty." He shook his head, once again placing the cigarette in between his lips.

Frowning, Harry wanted to ask the boy about his past, or even the future, know every little thing about him. It's hateful to imagine an amazing boy like Louis to ever suffer and have so much repentance in him. He knows very little about Louis, but he does know that he's a good boy (He is being biased cause only 'good' Louis has been, is for 'daddy'.) Shaking his head out of such thoughts, he kept quite and after a while said, "That's not a healthy way to deal with it."

Louis waved his advice off, "At least it's effective." He shifted on his side to face Harry.

They stared at each other for a while, each trying to contemplate why their secret little rendezvous is still going on for so long. Infatuation dies down, lust gets fulfilled, then what else is missing which makes them come back for more?

"I'm sorry." When he saw Louis scrunch his eyebrows in confusion, he repeated, "I'm sorry for doing this, for bringing you in this mess."

Louis turned and threw his finished blunt fag in the ashtray, "Don't be." He came back face to face with Harry and looked straight in his luring green eyes, "Your marriage was doomed from before."

"You seem to know awful lot about doom." Louis chuckled at that. The man wasn't offended, he was curious, "But, what makes you say that?"

"Most of the relationships are meant to be broken." Louis shrugged. "I mean, how long could you would've pound into the nothingness of his arse."

Harry laughed at that, "Nick's a nice guy." And he isn't cause he's making fun of his own husband. Gosh! He's going to hell.

Louis raised his hand, "Never said he isn't." He rested his chin on his fist and admired the way moonlight hit on Harry's face, accentuating his chiseled features and the crates of his dimples. "Why the sudden pillow talk?"

"I like mysteries. You're my favourite by far, Mr. Tomlinson."

Louis rolled his eyes, "Oh really, why?"

"Cause even though I haven't figured you out yet, the results look promising." He squinted his eyes at Louis, waiting for him to react.

"Just say that you're lonely and need someone to talk to." He shook his head.

"No, I'm not lonely and I do have other people to talk to except you." Harry propped up on his elbows to lean his head on his fist. "But, you're quite intriguing."

"I blow smoke on your face half of the time." Louis raised his eyebrow.

"And your point is?" Harry questioned.

Louis smiled, with crinkles by his eyes, making Harry's heart stutter at the site. "You're such a dork, Harold."


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