Chapter 7

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Rubbing his fists against his eyes, Harry yawned and stretched before getting up from the bed. He frowned when we looked down to see he was completely naked.

An audible gasp escaped his lips when he saw the crumbled sheets with a stain of dry cum and the smell which entered his senses, the room reeked of sex.

"Shit!" Harry cursed as he ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed his face as the past events of last night came crashing down his memories. "No, no, no..." He kept on muttering.

He looked around to see a framed photo of Nick and his and he was almost on the verge of crying.

'How could I do this to Nick! While, he was out working hard, day and night, I- I-'

Guilt was consuming him and the slight headache he felt due to drinking a bit was worsening every second. He took a deep breath in, Harry was not a person who preferred to be alone. So, he decided to talk to his only friend who he knew wouldn't ever judge him.

He picked up his phone and punched in the contact name, "Hello, Niall."


"What brings you here, Styles?" Niall loosened his tie around his neck and sat in a much more comfortably in his office chair.

Harry sighed and dropped his head on the desk, "I'm stressed."

"Yeah. I figured." Niall got up and moved over to his mini golf area installed inside his office. "About what?"

"My marriage." He lifted his head up to see his friend swing the golf club.

After hitting the ball and seeing it went down the mini hole, Niall turned towards Harry, "Damn. Isn't everyone? Like, if you wanna stress about something, stress about your skin." He picked another ball and positioned it* "You look so fucking pale. You need to tan and also you're getting pimples on your forehead. Did you give up on looking good after marriage or something?"

Harry frowned and moved his hand over his forehead to check whether he actually- he shook his head, what is he doing! "Niall, I cheated on Nick."

"Woah, what!?" Niall dropped his game and quickly went and sat next to Harry, who looked like he was about to puke.

"Last night, I slept with a guy named Louis, he's our neighbour." Now that he admitted it out loud, he wishes a hole to swallow him so he doesn't feel like he'll suffocate with guilt.*

Niall kept quite for a long time, before opening his mouth, "Why?"

Harry looked up at his dyed blonde friend like he's grown two heads, "Cause I'm a horrible person!" He threw his arms up in exasperation.

"Relax, Harry. Cheating doesn't make you a horrible person." Niall rubbed his friend's arms trying to comfort him. "It makes you a horrible husband."

"And the difference is?" Harry raised his eyebrow.

"There are two people in a marriage." Niall shrugged.

"You want me to blame Nick for cheating on him!"

Niall shook his head, "That's not what I meant. You are responsible for cheating on him, it was your fault, but not entirely." He leaned forward, "It may also be because of your expectations."


"Yeah, like I know you, Harry. We've been friends since college years and you were dating Nick at that time. You both had your ups and downs, but you're loyal Harry. You never once saw anyone else with lustful eyes."

Everything said by Niall was the truth and honestly, he didn't really know what to think or feel at this point.

"Try finding the reason why you cheated on Nick." Niall clapped Harry's shoulders.

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