Chapter 22

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Well today's the day. I woke up to a message from Kyle telling me to get rest at 6 to come to his house at 7.

I felt nervous. Extremely nervous. I brushed my teeth and took a shower washing my hair.

I was told that they give us our outfits making them according to our size which Kyle already told then since he knows.

I go to my closet and put on gray shorts and a white shirt. I put on a sweater that I stole from Kyle and put it on.

I tie my hair into a messy bun and grab my phone before jogging down the stairs.

I see mom cooking breakfast and dad on the island with his laptop and a cup of streaming coffee beside him.

I sit beside him and play on my phone for a bit before a sleepy Kyle comes down the stairs.

"Morning", he says sitting beside me and mom smiles at him as a response.

"Dad why are you always on your computer typing?", Gray asks and I look at him wanting to know also.

"I am a head editor for a writing company, some people make my job harder than easier", he says looking at us but continuing to type.

"How so?", I ask.

"Well some people write like they didn't make it past Pre-K and some people write like they are college students", he says and mom giggles.

She hands dad his plate of bacon and eggs and gives him a kiss while doing so.

She hands me a plate of pancakes and grits. And Gray bacon and pancakes.

She grabs a plate of eggs and a pancake and takes a seat next to dad.

"Plans for today?", mom asks and I look at Gray.

"Me and Haz are going to a little get together today", he says and I nod agreeing.

"Ok that's all?", mom asks and we nod.

"It's at 9", I say and she raises an eyebrow.

"Don't stay out past 11", she says. Before Grayson could argue for her giving such a short time frame I quickly interject.

"That's good", I say eating my pancakes.

We continue with small breakfast talk before everyone is finished. I go upstairs and belly flop on my bed before checking my phone.

"I'm heading to work", mom says peeking her head through my door.

"Mkay", I say. She closes the door leaving.

Faith P.O.V

I was doing Matt's laundry since it was time that it got done.

I balanced the laundry basket in between my arm and my side and started with his white underwear and socks.

I was starting to see the bottom of the dresser drawer from digging through it to find all his whites when I came across a plastic bag.

I pick it up white powder was in it. I already knew what it was and pissed would be an understatement. I drop the basket and stomp down the hallway.

I see Matthew at the island leaning over to look towards the hallway.

"Honey what's wro-", he starts but before he could finish I slapped him with all my might.

"What the fuck is wrong?", he asks upset standing up.

"What is this?", I ask through gritted teeth holding a bag full of white stuff.

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