Chapter 28

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"What's wrong?", he asks me scared.

"Nothing Gray nothing ", I say pushing some hair out his forehead.

"Tell me", he says trying to sit up but immediately wincing at the feeling.

"Stop", I say sternly before holding his hand and stroking the back of his hand slowly.

I dial 911 not knowing what to do.

"911 what's your emergency?", the man says into the phone. I immediately leave the room.

"Hi I need an ambulance", I say trying to remain calm.

"What seems to be the problem", he asks me.

"My brother, I think his appendix is about to burst", I say pulling my hair in distress.

"Alright ma'am stay calm, what's your address?", he asks. I quickly give him my address and he says there on the way. I feel the ball form in my throat. I am worried like hell.

I hang up before going downstairs to mom and dad and Calum who is here.

"Mom dad something's wrong with Gray", I say shakily and they both start towards the stairs but I stop them.

"I called a friend of mines who's dad works in a hospital, long story short Grayson appendix is causing the problem and it might burst", I say and mom gasp.

"I called the police already their on their way", I say and dad looks lost of words.

The go upstairs anyway and I look at Calum.

"He'll be fine, plenty of people had their appendix taken out", he says rubbing my arm reassuringly.

Mom and dad were quickly filling out information while they got Grayson ready for surgery.

I quickly call Eden who was probably asleep given its beginning to get late.

"Hello?", he asks sleepily.

"Eden I need you to come to the hospital", I say pulling my hair and walking around outside the hospital.

"Why what's wrong?", he asks and I can hear him shuffling around sounding way more awake.

"Grayson's having his appendix taken out", I say. I hear him mutter an oh god before hanging up.

I wanted to call Adam so bad but I knew I couldn't. That would be weird. Right?

I took my hair down on the way here and now I'm tying it up into a bun.

After about 5 minutes I go back inside and go to the hall he's in.

"There you are he wants to see you", mom says and I frown.

I hurry to his room and sit beside him and hold his hand.

"I'm scared", he says looking at me. I was heartbroken just looking at him in a gown and a hair cap with an IV and a slightly still swollen eye from his fight with Kyle.

"Don't be", I say smiling at him. I can't let him know I'm scared for him just as much, he'll freak out.

"I'll be here when you wake up, so will Eden and mom and dad and the boys all of us", I say.

I hear my phone ring I look at the caller. Eden.

"Hello", I say.

"I'm outside where are you?", he asks frantically.

"I'm coming out to see you", I say getting up.

"Its Eden he's here", I say and he nods before groaning again.

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