Chapter 31

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When I wake up I immediately wanted to go right back to sleep since there was no school today.

I reach over and grab my phone and there were no messages. No emails. Nothing.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom figuring my face needed to be washed from the previous makeup.

I wipe it all off before washing it with my face wash. I quickly rinse it off before leaving out my bathroom again.

I go downstairs and dad was talking to Gray.

"Morning", dad says and Grayson looks at me before mumbling something that I couldn't hear.

Probably also a morning. I take a seat at the island with Gray with dad across from us standing in the kitchen.

"What are the plans for today?", I ask.

"Shopping for our new 'baby sister' ", Grayson says putting one hand up to do quotations with his hands and using the other to sip some form of drink in his mug.

"Hey I know you will be a great big brother, you will love her I know it", dad says and he scoffs.

"You ended up liking me", I say.

"That's different, you knew how to feed yourself, bathe yourself, change yourself, etc", Gray says.

"So your afraid of some labor work?", I ask and he groans and covers his eyes.

"Fuck off Hazel", Gray says.

"That's enough!", dad suddenly yells making me jump but not effecting Grayson who looked at him unfazed.

"You guys need to stop all this profanity, I don't want to hear another word leave your mouth that's cursing", dad says upset.

"Anyway were going to meet the little girl first then we're going shopping", dad says.

"What's her name?", I ask.

"Ask her", dad says.

"Well what's her age? No younger than 3 I hope", Grayson says.

"She is 4, very very very smart for such a young age", dad says.

"Oh great still gotta potty train her, feed her, all that", Grayson says rolling his eyes.

"Oh Grayson stop, mom and dad wants this we can't weight down their shoulders along with this kid", I say nudging his arm.

"Oh shut up and let me enjoy my peace while it's here", he says before I hear footsteps.

"Guys we need to get going", mom says going to dad and kissing him quickly before turning to us.

"I don't care", Grayson says.

"You still have that only child syndrome don't you?", mom says rolling her eyes.

"I actually don't thank you very much", he says smiling sarcastically.

"Your such a tool", mom says turning to pour coffee in a mug.

"I'm not going", he says getting up and walking away.

"Yes you are", mom says sipping her coffee.

"God where does he get his attitude from", mom asks shaking her head.

"Dad", I say and he looks at me with 'really?' eyes before I get up also and go upstairs.

I stay getting dressed listening to what mom said. I put on a pair of blue high waisted jeans and a pink half shirt that says 98 on the front.

It only shows my torso when I raise an arm or bend down.

I Facetime Adam feeling bored. He answers on the 3rd ring.

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