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Nix P.o.V.
20:15 P.M.

I had been sitting on the bus stop's bench since six thirty after finishing my homework from the coffee shop's wi-fi a block away. I was wearing my favorite outfit, a light pink sweater and snug jeans, which I had to sneak into my bedroom to get. No one noticed my presence since they were too busy focusing on the never-ending fighting.

I swung my legs as a way to distract myself, hoping the time would pass on by. Soon, it was eight thirty and still, there was no sign of Namjoon. I decided to continue waiting for him. The sun had already set and I was still waiting, legs tucked under my chin, eyes drooping shut until I was asleep almost completely. It was about nine when I was finally shaken awake by two large hands.

Namjoon seemed to be rushed as we walked past houses and shops into an abandoned subway station. There was already a large crowd of bodies swaying to the music. Some were intoxicated and dancing, others were sitting down, rapping, or just simply singing along. We sat on the edge of a loading platform while drinking a bitter mixture of alchohol, leaning my head against Namjoon's lean shoulder.

"Why were we walking so fast?" My voice was still raspy and sluggish from a mix of just waking up and the rum and cokes I've been swallowing.

"I was trying to sneak out." Namjoon simply answered. Although I wasn't fully aware of the implications of that phrase, I understood that Namjoon still wanted to see me. I continued to listen to the music and the sound of Namjoon trying to sing along, laughing every time his voice squeaked and wheezed a wrong note or word.

"From Daegu, we have our next rapper, Gloss." A few people were still setting up the stage before the performer walked out. It took me minutes to recall who the face and body was, but when I finally got it, my eyes opened wide, locking eyes with the one person I never expected to meet here in Seoul. He looked exactly like the pictures but skinnier and smaller in his current leather get-up. I could also see Taehyung waving his arms to cheer on his best friend.

Namjoon coughed, catching my attention. "Know the dude?"

"Kinda," I whispered as I turned back around to focus on the swinging of my feet, a pang of unknown guilt slightly sobering me. We continued to talk about the place and babbling just to make ourselves busy, especially to lose interest in the male upon stage. The performance started and we both turned around to watch the new rapper, reluctance still on my tongue. 

It was Yoongi who followed the beat before starting out softly. Then, he started pumping up the crowd with a few chants before going into a quick, dry rap. Namjoon tilted his head next to me, whistling to himself. "He's pretty okay."

After the performance, I watched Yoongi sit down with Taehyung. When Namjoon announced his departure, this was my chance to bid him goodbye and head over to the table where the two chatroom strangers were.

"Oi, it's Nix. Come her!" Yoongi must have been drunk or high or both by now, as his strong hands gripped my waist and sat me down on the next bar stool over around the crowded table. "Ay, Nix is here!" Taehyung hugged me from across the table, squeezing the life out of me and yelling straight into my ear. Everyone looked wasted, the world seeming like a blur of smoke and lights, the music pumping in my ears. This atmosphere felt more comforting to me than any house my parents could buy with their money.

"How are you guys here?" My voice felt drowned out by the constant noise, but I had faith the two Daegu boys could hear me. Taehyung stood up, pulling me and Yoongi with him, still swaying his hips back and forth until we were farther away from the speakers. 

"We're transferring to SAPI this semester as exchange students," Taehyung asnwers, seemingly more sober than Yoongi, whose eyes were lidded, lips pouty and cheeks rosy with intoxication. My heart started racing than it had before, joy and excitement taking over my body when I hadn't felt either of these things for a long time. Now with the two new Daegu transfer students, I felt alive.

[Her Relief] Namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now