[Cruel World]

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Hello again! I've had this idea in my head before the first ending and user x3Neko and I had talked about this briefly. This is the Yoongi Ending and goes back to Gods & Monsters. I hope you enjoy the following chapters and ending for those of you who were cheering for Yoongi :)))))


Nix P.o.V.
12:43 A.M.

I was stuck at a crossroad. Yoongi or Namjoon. The rose in my hand seemed to have too many petals. "Yoongi... Namjoon... Yoongi... Namjoon..." My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Hobi-Sunshine left a message...

Hobi-Sunshine: Guess who's in Seoul???

Nixius1952: oh no
Nixius1952: I couldn't possibly guess

Hobi-Sunshine: its me u fart
Hobi-Sunshine: meet me at the froggerie ice cream place

Nixius1952: rn?

Hobi-Sunshine: yes rn let's go
Hobi-Sunshine: chop chop

Picking up my bag from under the dome of the playground, I walked to the shop by myself. Taehyung and Otto had left hours ago.

There he was in all his glory- Jung Hoseok. The fountain of the plaza was spouting in colorful bursts behind his slim form. "Hobi!" I called out to him with outstretched arms. "Nixxy!" I ran to him and he swung me around in his arms, looking exactly like he does over FaceTime. I took out my keys to the shop and turned on the lights for us. "How did you get in? You work here? Cool!" We sat in the break room together.

"I need advice," I put the rose down on the table while running a hand through my hair. "Shoot."

"Guy A and I've been friends but more than friends? And then Guy B comes in and pretends to be my boyfriend while Guy A goes out and gets a girlfriend who breaks up with him and he confessed to me and Hobi, please help. I'm stuck!"

"Well, who do you like more? Is the attraction for Guy B just because you've grown closer or were you just jealous of Guy A's girl? There's a lot to unpack here, my dude." He leaned back in his chair, arms crossing over his chest.

"I'm... Huh. I think I know what to do." While slamming a fist into the table as I stood, I picked the rose back up.

The last petal-


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