[Brooklyn Baby]

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Nix P.o.V.

Maybe it was inevitable; our feelings were so strong for each other that it was definitely inevitable. There were nights where we couldn't agree on what to have for dinner and we got angry before screaming disparaging words at each other.

Yoongi came up with a solution- write what we want to say to each other and putting the note in separate glass jars. Tonight was just one of those nights. I was working late, so my attitude was already bad to begin with and things escalated between us. With a huff, I turned to our room, locking myself inside as I began to write what made me boil over with spilling anger.

After tucking the paper into my giant glass jar, along with a few others I had scattered around the counter, I sighed, unlocking the door and letting Yoongi in.

"Nix, look at me- look. I'm sorry." He kissed the top of my head lightly- the same velvet kiss that I kept falling in love with. Years later, when we were happy and our jars were full, we emptied them together. Mine ranged from little blips of anger or drawings of tornadoes.

And Yoongi's all had the same three words.

I love you.

[Her Relief] Namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now