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3 years later...

Third P.o.V.

"Why won't you tell me where we're going?"
"Its a surprise stop being baby."
"You love babies, though."
"Yeah, especially you."

The couple drove from their apartment in Busan all the way up to Seoul. Namjoon pulled over into the parking lot of the old park.


Nix scrunched her eyes, staring deeply at the taller male.

"We came to the bus stop?"
"Nu-uh. Scavenger hunt."

Nix cautiously walked over to the dome she had slept under for most of her teenage years.

"A note."
"Yeah, open it."

Unaware that she was being filmed, Nix unfolded the torn piece of paper, reading it out loud. "If you want a snack to eat, go somewhere where there's no heat. Riddles? Really, Namjoon?" The eager male nodded, edging the girl on.

"No heat, snacks... Ice cream? You want me to go there?"

She picked up her feet from the mulch and walked along the route towards Main Street. On the door of the shoppe was the next torn off note.

"We're here! Okay, uhmmm... Old buildings, underground lines. Go towards the place for a good rhyme or time." The couple walked towards the entrance to the underground abandoned subway lines. On the railing of the stairway, the note was attached.

"Yes, dear."
"This is a schedule."
"A... Bus schedule. Okay. I see where you're going with this."

The two walked almost full circle and landed at the bus stop.

"If you're tired and lonely, any road will do. Choose a good path because home is where the heart is. What heart? Namjoon, you know I'm heartless."

"You are not."

"Okay, but seriously, what road? I'm shooting blanks."

"Any road."

The two held hands as they walked down the road absentmindedly towards Nix's mother's house.

"Well, come in, Nix. We've been waiting for you." Otto and Taehyung were shouting from the living room window for the couple to come in. In the five years Namjoon and Nix had been together, Taehyung and Otto finally got together after much convincing and unnecessary revelations that the two liked each other. 

Inside were all of their old high school friends, and close family. Even Yoongi stood there, chatting with Jimin and smiling his gummy smile. It wasn't actually a lot of people. Close to 20 people.

The group talked for a while before Otto slipped around to hand Nix a note.

"There's always a mad man. There's always a pretty girl as the inspiration. A beauty behind all the madness. Did you know that 11:11 was a time seen to make a wish? Guess what time it is?"

The room was instantly quiet the note had began to be read.

Nix looked up from the note to see what everyone was gawking at. Namjoon was in front of her, holding her hands. "Nix, I have a wish." He cleared his throat, bending down on one knee. He pulled a ring out of his pocket, biting his lip as a reassurance to himself.

"Will you marry me?" The entire room was a still frame, waiting for Nix to answer.

As if on delay, the tears began to flow from the corner of Nix's eyes.

"Uhm... Ye-Yeah. Yes? What's going on?"

Everyone cheered while Namjoon slipped the golden ring onto the designated finger.

The sound of champagne flowing brought the attention of everyone in the room away from the couple. They shared a chaste kiss as Nix cried happy tears into Namjoon's chest.


[Her Relief] Namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now