[Pretty When You Cry]

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Nix P.o.V.

Along with the inevitable of fighting, there was a much larger inevitability we had to face soon- marriage. And what better time to propose at then the exact time you both met at.


"I can't sleep."

We both turned to look at each other in our small bed, legs entangled and fingers entwined. It was midnight as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Hey Nix."
"Let's go to a cafe. I know it's late, but I want coffee."

I nodded softly, sitting up and stretching before slowly changing into his sweats and an oversized T-shirt that was also his. I slipped on his sandals.

We took a walk around our city before finally heading towards the cafe We sat face to face in a warm cafe, the smell of ground coffee drifting around us. Yoongi had his latte in hand, my red beanie riding up his forehead.

A notification popped up on my phone as two o'clock rolled around.

Today at 1:55 AM...
New Alert for: 5th Anniversary

"Whattit say?" Yoongi slurred, a happy gummy grin on his face.

"Today's our anniversary," I whispered out with confusion. Why were we up so late on our anniversary? "Let's go for a walk, hm?"

We walked down to the nearby pier, skipping stones as the dim moonlight bathed us. A familiar song began to ring from Yoongi's phone.

"Hey, Nix. Guess what time it is?"
"What time is it?"
"Its 2:23."

I tilted my head in confusion as Yoongi began to play a guitar melody through his phone.

"What is it now?"

He got down on one knee, a soft gummy smile radiating into my senses.

"Will you marry me?"

I was in a state of stunned silence, teardrops falling from my eyes.

"I- Yes?!"

I welcomed this happiness as Yoongi slipped an opal ring around my ring finger.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."


Merry Christmas Folks! I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I'll be back to severely edit and all that good stuff. Well, so long.

Come back and read again with me sometime!

House of Spades



WOW okay so its been three years since I touched this book. I was reading it to my younger sisters and i was like... this is so bad??? literally there were so many plotholes in this it was pissing me off. also??? it was so cringy. so i changed a lot of it and even added a chapter to not leave it on any open notes. as my "first" fanfic, (the real ogs remember We're the Oh Twins!!! *eyeroll*) i'm still so proud of this work. it's definitely not perfect but reading back on it, i was just dipping my toes in and experimenting with love stories and bts. this book honestly was the reason why i became a namjoon stan and why i have such a deep appreciation for rapline and hyungline now. sO guess its time to announce the news:

i'm writing a sequel featuring a triangle between hobi, kook and an oc of mine. it won't be out for a while, but when it comes, please look forward to it!

goodbye, my lovely, lovely readers. it's been a pleasure writing this for you.


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