[Body Electric]

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Nix P.o.V.
19:04 P.M.

Yoongi and I were leaning against the counter waiting for a costumer to come in. The dirty pastel walls felt grey, and the sound of small talk sounded like screeches on a blackboard. But that's how everything felt lately. Bland, boring, unbearable.


The only color I could see was Yoongi's freshly dyed  bubble gum pink hair, his soft cherry lips and the strike of blush against his pale cheeks. The sound of the few costumers we did have leaving had us lonely and free to say whatever. I started humming whatever was in my head.

The door swung open. It was him- his tall and lanky build walking through the door. I stood up straight, eyes unable to focus on him- anything but him. "How can I help you today-"

"It was you. You drew that picture of me." I shot my eyes up at him. The world regained its soft, vibrant colors. The walls had a new bright shade of pastel mint. The dull grays were now bright whites. "I- no- I mean, yes, I did but- how did..?" I jumbled my words together before feeling his large, warm hands on the sides of my face.

"She can't even draw that well. I asked her to draw me one night and she couldn't. I knew it wasn't hers. The only other person I know who can draw is you. It's you, isn't it?" I nodded my head so hard I thought it would fly off my neck. His smile brought my joy out from the dull pain I had been feeling for weeks. It was then that I realized we weren't alone. 

"Hey!" Yoongi called out. "Don't touch her. I'm her boyfriend." I couldn't even think straight enough to deny his claim. In an instant, hands were around my waist and warm hands left my face, plump lips were against mine and gone just as fast- but they weren't Namjoon's. Yoongi had me pinned to the counter, face as close to mine as possible.

A scoff escaped from Namjoon before he turned around and walked away from the counter. "Too late again, huh?"

[Her Relief] Namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now