The beginning

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Hello my name is Blanch I am married to Mourice Moore. He is a famous drummer that travels the world playing for any and every star that you can think of. We have a 13 year old daughter named Mariah who thinks that she is Americas Next Top Model and you can not tell her any different. One day we were at a concert where my husband had to play the drums for this up and coming artist B. Jon. As we were sitting back stage B. Jon's manager came up and started talking to me. He was a very handsome guy. He's skin was the color of milk chocolate and he was about 6'3. You can tell by the way that his suit fit him that he worked out and that suit was fitting just right. I had to mentally slap myself because I was sitting here lusting after this man when my husband was out there on the drums doing his thing. His name was Scott and he was 32 years old is what he told me as we continued to talk. I introduced myself and my daughter and told him we were here to support my husband he said, "Oh that is nice." We kept talking for a while really getting to know each other he had me laughing so hard that I was crying. We were joking around with each other and doing some mild flirting, but it was harmless right? Right before B. Jon was due to come off the stage Scott gave me his phone and told me to put my number in. I did as I was told and he called me right then and said, "Save my number maybe when can do lunch one day before the tour starts." Then he said, "Did Mourice tell you that he was going on tour with us?" I looked at him for a moment trying to hide the shock on my face, but I guess he could read me like a book because he said, "Oh I am so sorry I shouldn't have said anything I don't want to start any problems between you guys. Maybe he was going to tell you tonight when he got home since he just found out last week," Scott looked at me and said, "Blanch I am sorry I really thought he told you that is why I brought it up. Don't say anything just see if he will tell you ok?" I shook my head ok and he gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, "I will call you later to check on you ok." I said, "Ok!" and he walked off. A few minutes later Mourice walked and gave me a kiss on the lips and asked me, "How did I enjoy the show?" I told him, "It was great B. Jon really knows how to serenade the ladies." He laughed and asked, "Were we ready to go?" I said, "Yes!" and we left. Later that night Mourice came in the room and said that he was going to go to the studio and that I shouldn't wait up for him. I said OK. He kissed my lips and left. I knew something was up, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I sat there thinking to myself. Now my husband normally tells me about every tour, concert, studio session, or any gig. Heck I am the one normally keeping his calendar up to date. I know he is doing something, but since I don't have proof I will just chill on the accusations,. I was about to walk out and go check on Mariah when I heard my phone vibrate. It was Scott calling me. I picked up and said, "Hello." He said, "Hello beautiful." I instantly started blushing and said, "Hi Scott what are you doing calling me this time of night?" He said, "Honestly I was thinking about you and what I told you earlier and was hoping I didn't cause to much trouble." I told him, "No he isn't even here." He asked me, "Where was he?" and I told him, "At the studio." He said, "Hmm really? I didn't know that B. Jon had a late session tonight especially after a concert? Plus I would have to be there." I told him, "Aren't you just the barer of bad news today." He chuckled and said, "I'm sorry I guess he is trying to hide something from you." I asked him what was he doing right now? He said, " nothing about to go get me a bite to eat and lay it down for the night." I told you know what, "How about you come to my house and fix us a late night snack and we can talk. I'm pretty sure I won't see my husband till around 6 in the morning. Since he is at his studio session." He said. "Ok text me your address and I will be on my way." See you soon Scott, I said.

Scott's POV

Tonight was not my first time seeing Blanch. I have seen her at plenty of events supporting her cheating husband. The poor girl didn't even know that her husband was cheating on her. She was so fatithful to him too. I felt so sorry for the woman because she was so beautiful and she could have any guy that she wanted, but she stayed with this clown. I'm suprised he hasn't brought another child home or and STD. Tonight when I saw her standing there in that form fitting white dress and those leopard wedges I knew that I had to have her. She had braids in her hair and they where in a bun on top of her head. Her makeup was flawless and looked like she barely had any on. She was so beautiful and perfect and I knew that she was going to be mine. That's when I walked up to her and she flashed me that perfect smile that stole my heart. The lady pretty much took my breath away. I think I was in love at first sight. When I was sitting there talking to her I forgot that I was actually there to work and not be talking to her all night, but I couldn't help it because she was so easy to talk to. As I drove to her house I thought about should I tell her what was going on with her husband or should I just let her find out on her own? Maybe I will just help her find out, but what will she think when she finds out that I am the one helping her find out all this about her husbanc? I have to gain her trust first and that is what I plan to do. I pulled up to their beautiful 2 story mini masion and walked up to the door. I honestly didn't know that they stayed this close to me in Desoto. I rung the door bell and waited for her to answer. When she answered the door her face was scrubbed clean without a trace of makeup. Hey braids were up in a messy bun and she looked beautiful. I tried to control myself, but I couldn't so I reached out and grabbed her and looked in her eyes. I slowly bent my head down to kiss her and just as my lips touched hers she said what are you doing Scott? I pecked her lips and said oh I'm sorry I just had to see how soft they really were. She laughed and gave me a hug and told me to come in. I shook my head and said to myself this is going to be a long night. As we walked in the kitchen I saw that she had made blue berry pancakes, eggs, turkey sausage, and fruit. This woman really knew the key to my heart was food. Lol!! She looked at me and asked, "Was I ok?" I turned and asked her, "How did she know that blue berry pancakes where my favorite?" She said "she didn't know, but they are her favorite." I said, "Ok" and we sat down to eat.

Blanch POV

As we talked my mind kept going back to that kiss. I know he probably didn't mean it the way I took it he just probably wants to be friends and that is the way he greets his female friends. Maybe? I don't want to think to much about that kiss I don't want him to think that I like him like that. I mean I am a married woman who has never thought about cheating on her husband. So why now? Especially with someone who my husband pretty much works for. I can't help it though this man screams sex. Everything about him makes me want to jump his bones, his laugh, smile, eyes, walk, body. Oh my god I need to go and pray. Maybe I will go to church sunday and lay on the altar and ask the Lord to cleanse me of these lustful thoughts that I am having. Okay Blanch pull it together girl he is just trying to be a friend to you this man does not see you in that light. (mental slap) After I spoke to myself I started back talking to Scott and he was asking me, "What church I attended?" I told him that, "we were members at the Potter's House." He said that he went there as well, but he went to the 8am service. I told him that we go to the 11am service he said that he might just see us Sunday. Then maybe we can all go out to eat afterwards. I told him that we normally go to my parents house on Sunday because they cook a really big feast, but he is more than welcomed to come. So we planned for him to come to dinner with us on Sunday. He then asked me about my family. I told him that my mom and dad live in Lakeridge. They are both retired my mom was a school teacher and my dad is a Navy Vet. He was in the Navy for over 30 years. I told him my dad also started his on real eastate investment firm back in the 80's and gave it to me and my siblings to run when he retired. My oldest brother Brian is the CEO, my older sister Brianna is the CFO, and me and my twin brother Braylon are presidents of the company. I run the Hospitality division because that is what I received bachlors and masters in. He looked at me and said, "Wow your family is very succesful." I laughed and said, "Yeah we are, but once you meet them you will swear we are a bunch of crazy people." He laughed and asked me, "How did Mourice and I meet?" I smiled and said, "One night me and my bestie went out to this lounge. Back then it was the spot you know. The Shark bar was the name of it. Well this one night that we went they had live entertainment, and it was the band that he played for. The band was great and I thought that he was really awesome on the drums. I actually told my bestie that I was going to get them to come and play at one of our properties to give it a different vibe and attract more people. Everyone loves live music right. At the time I didn't know that he was the contact person for the band. So after the performance I went up to them and asked them would they like to have a weekly gig. I told them that they can come down to the property on Monday afternoon and we will sit down and discuss what nights they would play and how much the band would get paid. They all agreed and he said that he is the contact person. So I gave him my card and told him to call me Monday morning so we could work out the details. He looked at me and said ok. That monday he called me and I told him that they needed to be here at 6pm. He said, "OK see you then" and we hung up. They came that evening and I walked them around the restauarant and the hotel. Then we met over dinner in the lounge. I was myself, the hotel manager, and his group. We talked and discussed what nights they would play and told them that after they play the first time and if the crowd likes them we would up there pay, but as of right now I would only pay them $500 a night for 3 nights a week. They said ok and signed the contract. After the meeting he pulled me to the side and asked could he take me to dinner some time and I politely told him no. He said why night and I said because I don't date musicians and he said, but you don't evn know me. And I said, but I know your type. I said if you prove me wrong then I will go out on a date with you. If not then I'll speak and keep on going. After that night he would send flowers to the property for me, or he would just call me to see how I was doing. If I wasn't at the property he would go by the front desk and ask if I was in and leave a message.I mean he put in work to get me. Since that wasn't the only property that we had I was in and out mostly. So after about 2 months of him not seeing, and talking to me on the phone every now and then I decided to go and see how everything was coming togethere since they were playing 3 nights now and we were paying them pretty good. I made sure not to tell him because I wanted to see how he acted when I wasn't around. So I watched him from VIP the entire night. My friends wanted me to get up and dance, but I told them no because one, this was a property that I owned and second, I was watching him and didn't want him to see me till I reveled myself. Honeslty I wanted him to mess up so that I could say see I told you all musicians where alike, but he never did. Well atleast not in front of me. It's like he knew to be on his best behavior so I would know. After the show I approched him with a single rose and told him, "congratulations he passed my little test and he could take me out anytime that he was ready." He bent down and kissed me and said, "about time." That is how it all started. Scott just sat there and looked at me for a minute and then he said to me, "you are the most amazing women that I have ever met." then kissed me.

Mourice POV

If my wife ever found out that I have another family she is going to kill me. I swear she is going to cut my balls off and hang them around my neck. I not only have another family, but I also have another girlfriend that I take care of. I know I sound like a dog, but I'm not I just love the feel of the P. My wife man look here she is the baddest thing that I have ever seen. She has the carmel complextion, Tall with beautiful long legs, 40DD's and butt that makes any man do a double take, but I still I was cheating on her. She is successful makes her own money and takes care of our beautiful daughter. Sometimes I just slap myself for being so stupid. My homies tell me all the time that I am going to lose her, but I tell them no I am not because she worhips the ground that I walk on and she loves me. They just say yea ok dog whatever you say. Right now I am over here at my baby mama's house Tatiana I met her at the strip joint Onyx she was working as a waitress. I flirted with her and the same night I was beating that back in. She was a cool chick a little clingy at times, but cool. I had to always remind her that she was not wifey just my baby. That only happened cause it was getting to good to me that day and I didn't pull out. It's cool though as long as I come by and spend time with her and A'miyah she is cool. Oh yeah and make sure I keep her pockets laced with money. Then I got this other lil side chick that goes on the road with me. Yea I made sure I took her to the doctor and got her put on some birth control and made sure she was clean before a started going raw in her. I can't be having anymore kids if it ain't by the wife. Tatianna know she ain't getting no more kids out of me too. I have been trying to tell her she needs to find herself a dude, but she says she is cool right now the way things are with is. I tell her ok if she says so. Man what time is it I'm all caked up over here like I ain't got a family to get home to. Blanch is going to flip when I get home it's 9am and ain't know way on God's green earth is she going to understnad me being at the studio this late. Dang what am I going to do? Oh well let me get home so I can get to explaining and arguing with my wife.

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