Zero Tolerence

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I am sitting here in my office at Prime Management and I am about to start throwing stuff in a minute if my staff doesn’t tell me why they haven’t been signing any acts. I put my fingers on the bridge of my nose and pinch it. This staff meeting is about to piss me off. I am gone for a couple of weeks and people think that they can just do anything and get paid. I guess today will be the day that people will lose their jobs. So Michael, tell me you have some good news for me?

“Well Scott actually I do. I have been meeting with Seventh Streeter and she is looking for new management. She will be in on Thursday to meet with you and also I have setup some appearances for her and also I many concert at Beamer’s since they are closing.” He said.

“See this is why I hired you because you don’t let anything stop you from doing your job. After the meeting meet me in my office.” I told him. Then I stood up to address the rest of the group. Everyone else had smug looks on their faces while looking at Michael. So I spoke and said, “Don’t get mad and look at Michael like that because he is the only one that was doing his job while I was gone. Since ya’ll want to look crazy you have till the end of the week to have some good news on my desk. I guess ya’ll don’t like getting paid. If you think that you can’t live up to the challenge turn in your badges now along with your phones and company cards and you can leave my building. What you all fail to realize is when one eats we all eat. I have 6 talent agents on my team and only one is producing if this is the case I can downsize and not pay such big salaries and commissions. So again you have till the end of the week to producing something. We will all meet in here again at 1pm Friday and you better have good news cause if not you will be fired! Now go find me some talent. GET OUT!!” They all got up and scrambled out as fast as they could. I walked over to my assistant April and said to her, “get me all of the expense reports for my talent team for the last 3 months. I need to see how much money they are spending. Also get me their talent logs. I need them on my desk in 30 minutes. Thank you!” and I walked into my office.

Michael was sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk looking around at all the platinum records around the wall. Most of them are from B Jon’s singles that he has dropped over the years. “I see you are looking at all the records on my wall.” I said.

“Yes sir it amazes me to see how many you have and some of the people that you work with.” He said.

“Yea well B is a great client and friend and he believes in working hard for his fans.” I said

“I believe that Scott so what did you want to see me about?” he asked

“Well you have been working hard since you walked into my office over a year ago and you have brought in some wonderful talent and I wanted to see if you would like a promotion? Look I am getting married in a couple of months and I have a child on the way. I need to be able to spend time with my wife and my kids when I need to so I am going to be giving you more responsibility. Now one thing I do not want you to do is abuse the privileges that you will have and the authority that you will have. I expect you to stay humble, but be stern at the same time. I know your team will try and make it hard for you, but you didn’t come here for friends you came here to do a job. What do you think?” I said

“Whoa!! Really? You want to promote me? Oh my God wow! Thank you so much Scott. Of course I will take and I will make you proud.” He said

‘Listen Michael I need you to help me take Prime Management to the next level. My dream started with wanting to manager a singer now we are stepping into acting and sports. Do you think that you are up for the challenge?” I said

“Yea man I would be a fool not to take this opportunity.” He said

I laughed and said to him, “Good go down to Human Resources they should be expecting you I just emailed them and your bonus and salary increase will be on your next check. Also your office will be moving to this floor and not the talent floor anymore. So April will show you to your new office. Good luck kid!” He ran behind my desk and shook my hand and told me thank you a million times then he left. He’s a good kid and I see a lot of myself in him and he is going to go a long way here. Right after he walked out I checked my email and saw that April and emailed me everything that I asked for. I called my controller and had him to come to my office so we could sit down and go through these expense reports and logs. I need to see the numbers and how much money is coming in and going out. I want to know our bottom line right now because if my talent team is spending too much money and not bringing enough in then we will have a problem. Before I meet with him I need to call my soon to be wife and check on her and my son. I picked up my phone and dialed her number. She answered on the second ring.

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