Is it worth it?

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Ok fam here is another chapter don't forget to comment and vote. Let me know what you guys are feeling about the story. Also who is your favorite character? Don't forget to let me know if I should add another twist with a new character to the story. Do you think it should be another dude or a female? Thanks again for your support

Mz. Heat

Mourice POV

I miss my wife and my daughter man!! I messed up so bad her family is never going to forgive me and neither is she. Tatiana been on one since she found out what wifey did she won't even let me see A'Miyah. Then lets not even talk about Veronica she has been trying to see me since B put that ass whoopin on her at church. I told her that I wasn't messin with her anymore, but she ain't trying to hear that. He has been showing up at the studio while we are in a session and everywhere I have to play. Since everything went down I won't be signing to play with Jon again. Jill Scott's people have been calling me she is working on a new album and wants me to come to LA for awhile and I have been thinking about going. To give Dallas a break and to get my head on straight to get myself together.

Blanche POV

So I am upstairs getting ready for my dinner with Scott. That guy is so handsome, but I have to stick to my plans. I have to let him know that we need to slow everything down till my divorce is final. He's been saying that he can't wait till we are able to make love, but I don't think I ready for all that. I don't want to move into another relationship after being married all these years to Mourice. Scott is wonderful, but I wonder will he wait? Ok enough of thinking about all of that let me get dressed. I pulled out my Black Gucci Vicorse Jersey & Net Dress and  my fuchsia Tom Ford heels and got in the shower. Man that shower was the business!! I might need to move in here and stay for a while. I slipped on my dress and my little footsies so that I could let room service in so that they could setup for the dinner. I looked at the clock and saw that I had 30 minutes to finish getting dressed. So I went into the restroom and put my braids up in a tight bun at the top of my head. After that I put on my makeup and then put on my shoes. Right after I slipped on my left shoe there was a knock at the door. I notices that it was 7:25 so I knew that it was Scott. When I opened the door there was the shock of my life Mourice.


There she stood looking as beautiful as the day that I met her. By the look on her face she was not expecting me. I wonder who she was waiting for? Just as I was about to speak her eyes diverted behind me and there stood Scott Smith. I should have known that he had a thing for my wife. I guess this is where they come to meet up. "So, Blanch how long have you all been seeing each other?" I said. She snatched her head back to me and said, "Don't you dare question anything that I do when you were the one that was cheating in this marriage. For your information Scott was here to have dinner with me so that I could tell him how I feel about this whole marriage thing, but since you are here come in so you can hear what I have to say as well." I walked in and took a sit on the couch while they went into a small office and closed the door. After about 5 minutes they came out. Blanch took a sit across from me while Scott sat in one of the wing back chairs. She got up off the love seat and started to pace the floor. She looked at me and then at Scott and started talking.

Scott POV

I can't believe this fool is here as soon as I saw him when I stepped off the elevator my blood pressure shot up. This guy had the nerve to show up unannounced here tonight and for what. Blanch is up talking and I am not even listening to her because I can't think of a reason that he would be here. "Scott! Scott! SCOTT!!" Blanch yelled.


"Would you like to join the conversation?" She smiled.

"Sorry I was just caught off guard by him being here."

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