Please Explain

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So this chapter is dedicated to my bestie boo Ms. Chryss B she is reading this book and texted me to update so hear you go boo. Shout out to everyone that is reading, voting, and commenting. I love you guys and you keep me going. Ok so let the drama unfold....enjoy your read. Love you guys!! muah!!

Blanch POV

"Hi Mom and dad why didn't you guys call me and tell me that you were here. I would have had a car pick you up." I said

"Honey we caught a cab you don't have to do all that for us. You look horrible are you ok?" my mom asked.

"Yea mom I'm good. Do you want some breakfast I was about to order some for Scott and I?" I said.

"Scotts here?" My dad asked.

"Yes sir he surprised me and showed up last night." I answered back

"Really so where is Mr. Scott? He slept here last night with you?" said my dad.

"Honey leave her alone she is grown now. Stop treating her like a baby. Sweetie you know you are the apple of your fathers eye. He means no harm you know how it is being the youngest." My mom said.

"Yes mom I know. Dad yes he did slept here. He actually just went to the store because he needed to get something." I said. As soon as the words left my mouth the door and Scott said, "Blanch I got you 2 different ones. Which one do you want first?" he said finally looking up. I think at that moment all the blood drained from my face. He tried his best to hide the test, but I think my mom and dad saw them.

"Oh good morning Mr. and Mrs. Parker I wasn't expecting you guys to be here so soon. How was your trip?" he asked.

Mom and dad looked at me and dad said, "Good Morning Scott so what is that in your hand for Blanch again?"

Scott looked at me while I looked at him and I said, "Well mom and dad I am pregnant." That was all I could say before I busted out in tears. Scott came over to me and pulled me down in his lap. He told me that everything was going to be ok and that we will work it out together. My mom and dad just stood there looking at us. Until my dad told my mom that they needed to leave so that we could have some privacy. They told us that they would see us later. Scott continued to hold me after they left he rubbed my back until I stopped sniffling and then he picked me up and took me to the bedroom. As he laid me down there was a knock at the door and it was room service. He went and got our food and came back into the room. He asked me did I want to eat and I said no. So he came and laid down next to me and just held me. Before I knew it we were both sleep.


When I woke up Blan was not in the bed, but as soon as I was alert enough I heard her throwing up in the bathroom. I walked in while she was still hunched over the toilet and I rubbed her back. Once I saw that she was ok I reached over and got her toothbrush and put tooth paste on it. I gave it to her and let her brush her teeth. I went and got her a glass of ginger ale and some crackers. I looked at the room service cart and saw that she had demolished the dishes that were on there. I shook my head and started laughing. When I cam back to the room she was sitting on the bed she looked up at me and said, "Sorry I was hungry." I laughed again at her and kissed her forehead and said, "It's ok I guess my baby was hungry." with a laugh. She said, "He or she must didn't like it because 30 minutes later I was throwing it up." I told her it would be ok.


So I guess my wife thinks it's cute to be pregnant by another man. Not in my eyes I don't care if we are on our way to get a divorce right now we are still married and she still belongs to me. Let me get up now so that I can go to her room because we need to talk. Right before I walk out the door mt daughter walks in my room and ask me where I was going. I told her that I was going to talk to her mother. She turned around and asked me why? I told her none of her business and stay in a child's place. She said ok we are leaving and with Nana and Pop Pop. I told her ok I will see her later. I left the room and went to her moms. I knocked on the door and Scott opens the door.

"Yes Mourice what do you need?" He said.

"I came to talk to my wife Scott" I said

"Your wife. Hmph!! That's funny was she your wife when you got ole girl pregnant? Or was she your wife when you had ole girl out with you while we were on tour? Help me understand how she is your wife now because she has now gotten pregnant by someone else who values her. Please help me with this?" he said.

"Look Scott whatever is going on with me and my wife that is our business. She wouldn't be acting like this if you never would have came on to her. You saw what I was doing and you took it upon yourself to get with my wife. You put all these ideas in her head." I said

"Mourice do you hear yourself? Yes I did see what you were doing, but do you honestly think that I would use that to get with Blanch? Dude your wife was hurting because of you and she pushed me away because of you and you know what I took it because I wanted to be with her. I was willing to wait for her to heal so that we could be together. Yes we slept together and she got pregnant so what. But look what you did you embarrassed her at church with you little drama because you can't control your side pieces you lost your family. You must not have them anymore because you are up here trying to figure out how to get back with her." Said Scott.

As soon as those words left his mouth Blanch came out the room and then there was a knock at the door. Scott went and opened the door and in walked Bee's parents and Jonathon and Cameron. "Well it looks like we have the entire crew here huh?" I said.

Mr. Parker said, "Mourice why are you here did we not give you enough of a beating the last time we saw each other?'

"Well Mr. Parker Mourice is here because he wants Blanch back, and he feels disrespected that she has gotten pregnant by me." Scott said.

"What? Mourice you actually came down here thinking that I would come back to you after all you did? Just because I forgave you doesn't mean that we will ever be a family again. I loved you with all my heart and you stepped all on my heart. Get out of my room Mourice you are not even wanted here." said Bee.

"Bee can we just talk without everyone being in our business please?" I said

"No we can not talk in private Mourice. You should have been talking when you were sleeping with 2 other women and having babies and shit. Nigga you sit here and had another family on me and your daughter and didn't even have the decency to let me know, but now you want to talk. Nigga get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. You must be smoking something really good because you trippin. I love you, but I love myself more. I have a man in my life now who pays attention to every detail about me. If I breath wrong he is at my side trying to figure out what is going on with me. Yes Mourice you know me, but because of your selfishness you lost me. Go back to Dallas and be with ya baby mama that lives in Dixon Circle. Yea you thought I didn't know that she lived in South Dallas, and I know she use to strip at Onyx. Nigga you nasty and you have lost me. If you don't be careful you are going to lose Mariah as well. Go be a better father to both of your kids and be a better man for yourself. Look you have to leave because we are all going out to have lunch as a family. See you back in Dallas." Blanch said.

I looked around the room and saw how everyone was just looking at me and I could feel that I was not wanted there. I didn't say anything I just walked out. Oh well I guess I will have to try something else.

Blanch POV

"So ya'll know that he isn't done making a scene right? I know that man and he is going to get his point across. Now we are going to have to figure out away to stop him." I said.

"Well right now we are not going to worry about that we are here in New York for the next couple of weeks. Lets just have a good time and enjoy ourselves while we are here. Ok?" said Scott.

"Alright so are you guys ready to go?" asked my dad.

"Yes" everyone said.

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