New Faces

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Ok everyone since John Nelson (B.Jon. stage name) is now talking in the story I decided to add him and his fiance Cameron Turner. Trying to keep the story going and add more people and make it more entertaining. Let me know if it gets to predictable because I don't want that. I want to keep you guys in suspense. Don't forget to vote and comment. Oh yea if you feel like throwing out some ideas let me know. Thanks everyone for reading it's greatly appreciated. Enjoy this next chapter.

Cameron POV

I have been with John for 3 years and still no ring and NOW I"M PREGNANT!! What the hell is wrong with me? I know he loves me and everything, but why won't he make me his wife? Mama always said to me "Why by the milk when the cow is free?" See I should have never moved in with him and started playing house because now he doesn't want to make it a home. I am so depressed right now!! How am I going to tell my family or my boss. I am a partner at one of the top law firms in Dallas and I love my job. I didn't need to move in with John because I had everything that I wanted. I never needed his money or anything. He probably thinks I did this to trap him, but that's not true I love that man to much to do that to him. I don't know what I am going to do about this.

John POV

Ok so tonight Cam and I are going to be having dinner at Capital Grill and Blanch even let me get a room at her property. Blanch is awesome I sure hate what she is going through with Mourice, but if I know Scott the way that I know him he is going to make her happy. Cam loves steak so that's why I choose the Capital Grill. This night is going to be perfect. She has been walking around the house depressed for a couple of days because she thinks that I don't want to marry her, but after tonight she will know that I can't live my life without her. This woman has become the very air that I breath. When God made her he made her just for me. Every inch of her was made for me. I love every curve, dimple, everything about that lady. When I look at her I see all the love that God has for me through her eyes. She is truly my queen and I can't wait to give her my last name. Yes I freaked out when I found out she was pregnant because her family is really religious. Her dad is a pastor for crying out loud he already told us we were shaking, but it was between us and God. Still though he is going to be very disappointed when he finds out that she is pregnant. So I have to propose to her tonight before she tells her family.


Ugh!! I have nothing to wear to this freaking business dinner tonight that John and I have to attend. Our assistant called me earlier to tell me that it got added today because of his upcoming tour. That's probably why he was acting strange this morning because he hates these meetings. I have to stay calm tonight because now that I am pregnant my stress levels are higher. Oh yea I need to tell him that we have a dr's appointment next week. We will find out  how far a long that I am. I wonder if it is a girl or a boy. I think I want a girl, but if its a boy it will be just like his daddy handsome and charming. God that man is the epitome of sexiness and all man. He stands 6'5 with skin the color of dark chocolate. My poor 5'10 220 pounds paper bag brown frame has nothing on his. I love everything about him. When I first met him 3 years ago I knew he was going to be the man that I would spend the rest of my life with, but I wasn't ready for the lifestyle that came with him. Being an entertainers girlfriend is very hard. Thank God for friends and wine. I have cried so many nights because of women saying that they have slept with him and sent pictures from his hotel room with him sleep in bed. Thank God for patience and a man who doesn't mind taking drug test. Stupid females they can stoop so low sometimes. So now his dancers and band come separatly from him and stay at a different hotel. I made him hire a road manager to make sure that they all make it where they need to be. I think this tour may different not for sure yet. Also he has some dates coming up. He told me today that we are going to New York next week cause he has to record with May J. That's cool I need to call her too before we leave so we can go shopping. My bestie Blan will be there too I am so happy. She's my girl I love her we have been friends for over 30 years. We went to college together and everything. Now she is the president of Hospitality for her fathers company and she has taken hospitality to a whole nother level since she took over. 3 hotels in 3 major cities and building more. She told me that she has to go overseas in the winter to meet about the hotel they are building there. We are both successful and I am proud of her. I can't wait to tell her that I am pregnant she is going to flip her wig. I need to call her today too because I need to make sure that she is alright since everything that happened with Mourice. Damn dog I told her to leave him alone because in the end he was going to break her heart and the sucker did just that. I wanted to tell her that he was cheating on her, but John told me to wait because she wouldn't believe it and we didn't have pictures she would have to see proof. When I see him again I'm going to kick him in his nuts. I need go to the Galleria and find me something to wear. Let me call her to see if she wants to go with me.

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