Can I get a Refill

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Mario POV

I drove to the hotel that this chick Camellia was staying at. I really was not in the mood for killing anyone so I hope she cooperates and helps make this a smooth transition. I will do anything for my sisters happiness and I know she doesn’t want anyone killed so I will make every possible effort not to. I look at my phone and get the room number. I call Frankie and picks up on the 3rd ring.

“Mario you must be at the hotel for you to be calling me this late. What’s up?” he said

“Go to your computer and do something to these cameras so they won’t see me coming or going.” I said

“Ok how long will you need?” he said

“Can you give me 30 minutes?” I say

“Yea do you really need that long? I mean I thought you were going to kill her?” he said

“Nah Bee is not too happy about me killing her so I am going to talk her into leaving town and leaving the family alone.” I say

“Ok well you have 45 minutes get to work and call or text me when you are done so I can fix the cameras.” He said

“Got it I will call you later.” Then I hung the phone up

I walked in and got on the elevator. I went to her room and opened the door. She wasn’t there so I set down on the chair and turned off all the lights waiting for her arrival. I picked up my phone and told my brother that she was not there so he can fix the cameras now, and I let him know that I had to wait for her to get here. I asked him could he track her whereabouts. He told me to give him 5 minutes and he would call me back. 10 minutes later he said that he tracked her and it looks like she was on her way to me now. I told him ok and told him that I would talk to him later.

About 20 minutes later I heard the door click. She walked in and went to the light and tried to switch it on and it didn’t. She then went to the desk and tried to switch the light on and nothing happened. Finally I got tired of playing the little game with her so I spoke. “Hello Camellia” I said

“Who’s there?” she said

I heard her click a gun so I turned on the light so she could see me.

“Is that anyway to treat a visitor who flew very far to see you sweetie?” I said

“If you don’t tell me who you are I will kill you.” She said

“No you want. You know why?” I said

“Why?” she said

“Because before you pull the trigger you will be dead. Now put the gun down so we can talk. I would hate to kill you. You are such a pretty girl, but when it comes to my family there is always an exception.” I said standing up and walking over to her and taking the gun.

“Now sit before I really do kill you. I hate when people pull guns on me and don’t use them.” I said

“What do you want from me?” she said

“I want you leave town and never come back.” I said when I said that my phone rung and it was my father. Why is he calling this late when he has an early morning flight to here? I answered the phone, “Ciao” (hello)

“Mario where are you son? Did you find that Camellia girl yet?” he said

“Si” I said

“You did? Good let me speak with her” he said

“il papa” (hold on) I said and put the phone on speaker.

“E possible parlare ora, padre” (you can speak father) I said

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