Happiness Part 2

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Balnche’s POV

We walked out of the hotel and got into Scotts Bentley. I was on cloud right now even tho I was hungry my baby just gave me some mind blowing sex. Sleeping with this man is the best I feel like I can’t get enough of him. We pulled out into traffic and he took me to Chipotle. Even tho we have money to do what we want to do we are still simple people. I love Chipotle actually. He knows I will go in and order me a chicken burrito bowl in a minute. We got out of the car and went in. I went and found us somewhere to sit while he went and got the food. He knows what I want to eat and drink. I sat at the table and looked at my instagram and facebook. I wanted to see what was going on in the world of social media. I had 50 million requests to be my friend on FB and my IG had about 200 requests. I don’t even know these people. I will get Mari to go through them later to see who I will accept and who I won’t. Yep I make my daughter do all my social media stuff and she loves it. I have to be careful too because she will hack me too. Let’s see I have a direct message on IG. I clicked on it and Camellia’s face popped up. I instantly got mad, but let’s see what she has to say.

“Look bitch I see you got my man falling all over you. He will not be with you forever I am going to kill you and those bastard kids of yours. Better yet I will get him back and raise them as my own. Ha aha” she said laughing.

I clicked to reply and said to her, “Bitch please I want you to show up so I can whoop you again. Obviously you have not learned your lesson and you didn’t pay attention to what I said to you. So since you didn’t watch your back. Oh and thanks for the message.”

I then turned and called my god brother Mario.

“Mario!” I said

“Yea sis what’s up?” he said

“Get Frankie on the phone.” I said

“Ok hold on.” He said

“What Mario” I heard come across on the line.

“Frankie!” I said

“Hey sis what’s up?” he said

“Look we have to work fast. I am giving you permission to hack into my IG and get some info. Look in my messages and look at the video Camellia sent me. I know Papa has updated you guys on what’s going on. Well she just sent this so I need you to get it and find her. You will hear everything that she has said to me. Mario papa told me you are flying out here tonight.”

“Yea I am headed to the airport right now.” He said

“Ok do we need to send a driver for you? We will be out at speed zone when you get here.” I said

“Yea I will come meet up with you guys and I will handle our little business tomorrow. Now I can see my nieces and nephews and meet Scott. I really can’t believe you kept him away from us. You better be glad pops didn’t just fly out there and show up on your door step. You know he is crazy. Since he had 4 boys and no girls you are his princess.” He said

“Yea I know and he went off on me earlier. So cool everything will be set for you your room is ready.” I said

‘Cool” he said

“Ok sis I got the message and was able to track down this little vixon. She did all this from her phone and I was able to pin her cell phone down. I was also able to tap into her phone and all the other phones in her location. Now I am able to keep track of her at all times. I am sending you over the address to where she is ok. I will send Mario all of her information to. Mario when you get time check your email. Did you take your iPad?” Frankie asked

“Yea I got it. I wil check everything out when I get on the plane.”  Mario said

“Bee it looks like she is using the wifi at the Courtyard on North Central Expressway. You know I am a professional hacker and it doesn’t take me long to find what I need on people. I just needed a name and a pic. I ran her pic through my face recognition software and got two hits on her. I also hacked into the system there at the Courtyard because it’s a hotel I can get into it. I got her room number and all her info.” Frankie said

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