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Blanch POV

So I am sitting in my office looking over some wedding dresses when I feel a sharp pain in my back. I try not to cry cause it hurts so bad, but it does make my eyes water and a tear does fall. As soon as that happens Scott comes walking into my office. By the look on his face he could tell something was wrong with me.

"Baby what's wrong are you in pain is it the baby?" he said

"Yea I think I need to go to the doctor Now, but I need to call Kisha to let her know that I won't be able to meet with her for lunch and we can't meet with Paulette either." She said

"Ok baby let Cam handle that and we will just go to the hospital." he said

"No no I have to call Kisha and Cam can call Paulette." I said said

"Ok babe whatever you want." I said. I looked at her and she looked like the pain and eased up but I wanted to hurry up and get her out of here. She should not be having contractions this early so something may be wrong with the baby. Scott thought to himself.

"Hi Kisha my favorite how are you? Ok look we are going to have to cancel on the meeting today, but can you meet us at the hospital looks like Jr. is trying to come a little early." I said

"Ok honey I will meet you there. Do you need anything?" she said

"No Scott is here with me and I am pretty sure that he is going to be calling everyone." I said

"Ok I will call your parents and let them know to call everyone so Scott can just worry about you ok." She said

"Ok thanks love I will see you when you get there." And I hung up the phone the pain was hitting me again and this time I was full fledge crying. Scott was rubbing my back and driving and trying to make sure I was ok. I am only 6 months so I know I am not going into labor. We got to the hospital and Scott got out the car, opened my door and carried me into the hospital. He lifted me like I weighed nothing.

"Ma'am excuse me I think my wife is going into labor. Her doctor is Dr. Jefferies can you please get her in the back please?" he said to the nurse.

She looked up at him and then at me and rolled her eyes then said, "sir you are going to have to wait have a seat and someone will be with you." Oh God I am about to jump over this desk and slap this hoe. Why Lord must these females try and test me at the wrong time.

"Look nurse if you don't get someone out here to see me in the next 5 seconds I am going to come around that desk and pull every piece of fake hair off of your head and eyes. Then I am going to beat that ass!! Try me if you want to." I said. Before I could get to her Scott grabbed me and Dr. Jefferies came out asking if there was a problem looking at the nurse.

"Yes Doc there is you might want to get a new nurse up here in the ER before I beat this bitch ass. She don't know me obviously, but she about too. These hoes always trying to make the ratchetness come out of me. They think because I am a multi-billionaire that I won't tap that ass." I said and walked off.

Poor Scott always saving somebody from getting their head tore off their body. I heard Dr. J tell the young girl that she could go home for the day with no pay. I could tell she was pissed cause she rolled her eyes at me. So I said, "roll em again at me and I will snatch them out of your head and let them look at you." Scott looked at me and said, "Calm yo ass down Blan it ain't that serious." When he said that I wanted to get mad, but I instantly got horny, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I just leaned my head on his shoulder and got quite while he rubbed my back. I already knew once we got in a room he was going to let me have it. Dr. J came back and said that they were going to go ahead and take me to the maternity floor because they needed to see what was going on. He also asked why I didn't call before we got there. He told us that my mom had called him and told him I was on my way up there that is why he was down there so fast. He also asked how long had I been having the pain and I told him it just started maybe 30 minutes ago. When we got upstairs the nurse had me to change and then I was off to get an ultra sound and sonogram. I asked the tech about my ultra sound and sonogram, but they just told me that my doctor would give me my results. I got mad, but I looked at Scott and he gave me the eye and so I kept my mouth closed. He's becoming a little pushy with me. Well he did tell me I couldn't act crazy no more since I was pregnant with his child, and if I did something to hurt me or the baby he was going to kill me. So I guess I will just chill. I am not trying to get on his bad side. They wheeled me back to my room and I waited for the Dr. to come back in. While I waited I told Scott that I was hungry. He told me to wait until Dr. J came back with my results then he would let me eat. I huffed, but I didn't say anything. About 5 minutes later one of the nurses came in and introduced herself as Monica and she told me that she was going to start my IV. One of the things that I hated about hospitals are the needles. I told her ok and let her get to work. It actually didn't hurt this time so I was happy about that. She then told me that the Dr. would be in shortly. About 15 minutes later my mom came running through the door.

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