Ch. 2

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I grabbed my combat boots, putting them on and lacing them up before a pulled a beenie over my messy hair. I didnt have the energy to brush my brown hair, or put mascara back on my grey eyes. I layered my full lips with light red lipstick before someone rang my doorbell. I swung the wooden door open to reveal Melody in dark jeans, like me, and a white v-neck. My navy blue shirt was worn under my grey  skarf that made my chest warm. I grabbed my leather jacket and locked the door to the flat.

"Aye," Melody mumbled, not looking up from her phone.

"Aye," I said back, putting the key to my flat in my pocket and my cheap phone in my pants pocket.

"Who are you texting Mel," I asked, pulling my almost black pants up.

She shook her head slowly, "Harry," She said slowly, focusing on the text.

I laughed, "Are you sexting?" I joked.

She punched my arm. "Joking!" I said, raising my hands in the air in surrender.

White flakes fell in her hair as well as mine, "Are you driving?" I asked, she put her phone away and nodded.

*   *   *

 I parked two blocks down from the real party, noticing that people were already piss drunk and messing with the cars parked on the crub. I left my phone in the car, not wanting to forget it here. Melody fixed her flawless makeup and perfected her already curled to perfection hair. She asked how she looked, I replyed with a simple, 'good.' I wasnt jelous of my best friend, I was just mad that she didnt beleive she was beautiful.

"Ready to get a hookup, Floral?" Melody asked, turning to me. 

She flipped the car mirrior back up to the roof, messing with her bright blue hair. "Sure." 

We got out, another blonde girl running up to meet Melody. I walked to the house, seeing guys pasted out on the ground and girls giggling and trying to make them pee. 

"Excuse me?" I heard a voice say as I turned around on the sidewalk outside of the house.

I turned to see a boy, maybe 19 or 20, with a small brown quiff and a football jersey covering his torso and biseps.

"Um, yeah?" I stuttered over my words.

He smirked and looked at the ground, "Just get here, love?"

"Yeah." I breath out, seeing my breath like smoke infront of me.

He reached for my hand, "Lets go get a beautiful girl a drink, then."

I blushed at his gesture and took his hand lightly as we made out way into the house.

The house itself seemed more like a club - dubstep music playing as a beach ball floated on the tips of dancers finger tips. Smoke machine's in every corner, they smelled like bubble gum and mint. 

"Liam, by the way," The boy said, gripping my waist and pushing through the crowd.

I went closer to Liam, not wanting to lose him. I had forgotten about Melody already.

"Floral," I spoke loudly into his ear as he nodded.

We got through the crowd, I steped into the big kitchen and Liam let go of my waist. 

"Want a shot or a beer, love?" He asked, smiling.

"Um, a beer please." I smiled back as he nodded and went to get the drink. 

I looked over my shoulder, seeing a boy with curly hair leaning against a wall, staring at me intently. His black v-neck and black jeans made his body look lean, and skillful in ways I might want to know if I wasnt hanging out with Liam right now. His dark curls matched his dark etire, I wanted more then to look at him right now.

The boy bit him lip as I did the same, "Hey, I got your beer,"

I heard Liam say as I turned to see him smiling, I grabbed the cool drink as I chugged the whole cup.

"Holy shit."

Was all I heard as Liam gawked at my drinking speed.

I could drink fast, but I just  got tipsey faster.

"Thanks, babe." I slipped up, calling Liam 'babe'.

*   *   *

hey guys, sorry its storter but this is part of a double update today, on the weekends sometimes i could triple the update maybe. today i didnt have anything due tomorrow so i could maybe triple update tonight i dont know. the chapters will be loner than this usually, but i felt this should be ended here.

*sorry for the spelling errors and such*

please comment, vote, fan, and be active readers because i hate writing things where i get no feedback and such and if i dont get feedback i might delete the story :/

anywhale. byee xx

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