Ch. 4

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I felt Jacy staring at me when I walked into the kitchen wearing Harry's shirt and my messy hair tucked into a beanie. She smiled knowingly at me and ate her toast. What did she know? She was pissing me the hell off.

"Someone had fun last night," She commented, placing her plate in the sink and whipping her hands on her pants.

I shrugged, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Guess so."

She gasped, "'Guess so'? You slept with a guy, Floral! Who is he? Liam Payne? Niall Horan? Oh my gosh. Was it Jake? I thought he was just a friend-"

"Jacy. It was no one. I passed out. Sorry." I spoke too quickly, her eyebrows raised at me.

Her face went pale, "D-Did you sleep with-"

"Yes! I slept with Harry!"

She smiled, biting her lip as she threw her head back and laughed. "'Harry! Oh Harrrryy!' Was that how it went?" She had a wicked smirk on.

my cheeks heated up, "No!" I shouted defensively at her as she laughed again.

"Hunny, its fine. But you forgot your scarf and shirt there." She giggled again.

I had forgotten about my scarf when Harry and I had talked this morning.

"Well, even though I love being bullied by my flatmate, I need a shower." I said, walking to the stairs.

She yelled back to me, "I was teasing, Flo! And dont forget to clean the sex smell off of you!"

I could basically here the smirk in her voice as I took the stairs two at a time.

I got out of the hot steaming shower, and I could get Harry out of my mind. Why did I get so drunk that I couldn't remember a hook up? I normally wouldn't be disappointed that I didn't remember, but Harry was cute and hot and attractive and .. I need to stop.

I grabbed a towel and dried my hair, letting my brown hair fall over my shoulder. I tipped my head upside down and wrapped it in the towel and washed my face. I grabbed some new underwear and a strapless bra and threw them on. I needed more scarfs for this winter and fall, and a new jacket. I grabbed some black tights, pulling them up to my tummy and grabbing a black and pink floral dress that had a criss cross back and throwing it on. I grabbed some nude heels, why not be girly today? I wasn't going to be with anyone.

I threw my wet hair up into a top bun, putting a bobby pin in to make it stay. I slipped the heels on and put on some mascara and light pink lip stain on. I threw some cover up in my purse, I might get tired of my face looking horrid later. I grabbed my phone that Jacy had put on my bed and threw that in my purse too. I sprayed some perfume on my chest and neck and opened my door.

"You have a visitor! Floral!" I heard Jacy yell.

"Coming!" I yelled back, hearing her say a 'hi' to our guest.

I trotted down the stairs and almost fainted when I saw Harry standing with Jacy by the door.

"H-Harry?" I stuttered. Why was he here?

Jacy excused herself to her room and I walked toward Harry.

"Hey Flora," He looked at the ground then back to me.

His eyes raked over my body and outfit, licking his lips. "Flora?" I asked, shocked by the nickname.

"Yeah, its shorter then Floral and better then Flo." He smirked.

"I heard that!" Jacy yelled from her room.

Harry rolled his eyes the same time I did. "So why are you here?" I asked, maybe a Little to harsh.

"I wanted to take you to lunch," He smiled.

Lunch? "Um, I was just going shopping." I spoke in a hushed tone.

"I can tag along, if you want. I need a new t-shirt anyway." He winked as I felt my cheeks heat up again.

"Sure. I'm driving though." I smirked.

He rolled his eyes, "Not in those death things," He said, pointing to my heels.

I pouted, "They are only threatening when I chuck them at your head, Styles."

He chuckled, "Well you probably have no aim."

"Whatever. Lets go, before I do throw one at you." He smiled at my comment and opened the door for me.

* * *

"I'm loving the view," Harry chuckled as I stepped onto the escalator in front of him.

"Oh stuff a sock in it, lover boy." I groaned at his childness as he laughed again.

I stepped off the escalator and walked beside Harry, and started walking into PINK before I decided against it - while Harry was tagging along. I walked into H&M as I started for the scarf area.

"Ugh. Cant we leave yet." Harry groaned as I smiled.

"I need bras next. But we can leave now." I said, smirking as I turned to the wide eyed boy.

"N-No we can stay." He stuttered, fumbling over the words.

I almost laughed until a store employee came near us.

"Finding everything ok?" She asked, fakeness oozing out of every word.

"Yes. Thank you." I spoke as she eyed Harry up and down, "You can go now." I snapped as she huffed and walked away.

"Feisty much?" Harry chuckled.

"No." I pouted as I picked up a white scarf and a blue v-neck and headed for the check out area.

"I was playing, love." He said, his accent thicker then before.

I nodded, laying my items on the table. The man checked them out and I handed him ten dollars.

"Hey, could I call you sometime?" He winked.

I was about to say no when Harry came to the counter, "Sorry, mate, shes mine." Harry grabbed my bag with the stuff I bought and my hand and we walked out of the store.

He let go of my hand, still carrying my bag. "The hell was that?" I asked.

He turned to me, "We have a lunch date, babe."

"I'm not 'yours', Harry." I stated as he huffed.

"He was flirting with you, Flora." He said, anger restraining his voice.

I laughed, "No, really?"

"You're impossible." He huffed again, walking ahead of me.

I walked fast to catch up to him. "Don't walk away from me." I stated, anger now filling my voice.

He laughed, "You don't own me." He smirked, knowing I was getting mad.

"I-" I stopped. "You... I-" I stopped again. "Ugh." I sighed and walked ahead of him and into another store.

He laughed and followed me, then stopped, seeing it was Victoria Secret.

"Um." He said, staring at everything.

"I'm not buying that." I said, pointing to the black lingerie set he was gawking at.

I grabbed a black bra, and some new underwear, and threw a thong in the bag for Harry to complain about on the ride to the place we were eating. I knew he would want me to show him 'how it looked'.

I paid for the things and walked out of the store, I noticed Harry held a bag that was from VS as well, I didnt ask.

* * *

hope you guys enjoy the double updateeee

im not sure where i want their relationship to go uh ohh

i sprained my ankle so im writing this at like 9:00pm ha


please vote, comment, and fan

i already have 10 reads and i posted this story yesterday, i think and hope thats a good start :)

byee x

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