ch. 37

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floral heaved into her afternoon classes, seeing her dark haired boyfriend in the desk with an empty desk infront of him. 

*florals pov*

i walked over to where he was, kissing his cheek. "why didnt you save the seat next to you?" i asked, motioning to the binder on the desk next to him.

he sighed, irritated as i took a seat infront of him. "jack wanted to sit together,"

i smiled, "having fun with your roomie?" i teased.

he eyed me. "hell no. hes such a .."

"hey guys," jack cut in, sitting next to harry.

"hey jack," i smiled; harry only saying a quick 'hi'.

heels clacking against the floors made us three turn to the door.

"hello class, my name is.."

and thats about when i zoned out, focusing on anything but the lesson.


the shrill of the bell rang through the classroom, three students snapping away suddenly and i felt harry rub my shoulders from behind. 

i turned, he pulled me into his chest and lead me out of the classroom. 

"want to grab a bite to eat, flora?" he said, holding both of our folders and both my arms wrapped around his waist.

i nodded, letting the sleepiness of the whole day get to me; not that i did much. but doing nothing really takes a whole lot out of you. "how about we go back to your dorm and order takeout?" i nudged him, smiling.

he smiled down at me. "sounds good to me, darlin'"

we headed down the corridor, up the stairs and into the elevator; which was empty. 

"how conviniante," harry mumbled, dropping both out folders and pinning me to the wall of the elevator. "i've been wanting to ravish you all day."

"ravish? big words, babe." i teased, pecking his nose.

he smirked. "want my old vocabulary?" he raised his eyebrows. "i want," he leaned into my neck, kissing and whispered into my ear. "to eat food. now."

i shoved him away, him laughing. "you're such a goddamn tease, styles."

he picked up our folders, "oh you know you love me," he pulled me into his arms, kissing the top of my head.

"sometimes." i corrected him. "i love you sometimes."

the ding of the lift signaled the doors to our floor. but two older men pushed their way into the lift and closed the doors, hitting the emergency stop.

"what the fuck mate?" harry cursed, shuffling me behind his tall frame in the courner.

"you friends with zayn?" the bald one asked, ignoring harry.

harry held my hand behind his back; iether he was scared and i was trying to comfort him, or the other way around. i didnt know.

"who wants to know? fathead or needle neck?" harry smirked.

the thinner man cracked his knuckles. "zayn promised us our share by friday, you uncultrilized shits. just give us the stuff and we will leave you and your pet alone."

i felt harrys body heat up. "we dont have any, but i would gladly love to point you in the direction of my sweet friend zayn."

"dont fuck with me, styles." the fatter of the two men said. "yeah, big bad guy. i know your name. also this little pet, floral sumner, is it?" he smiled coldly.

"leave her the fuck out of this, this is between you and zayn. he cut us out of the deal last week. we cant help you." harry was shaking by this point.

they shrugged, "if you can give us zayns address and number, we wont hurt you. but dont lie to us, boy."

harry handed over all of zayns information gladly, keeping me behind him at all costs.

"have a lovely day."

was the last thing they said before stepping off the lift, the door closing after them.

i turned to harry, frowning. "im not hunrgy anymore."



i cant even explain how sorry i am for being gone for so so so long. my account didnt nessisarily get hacked, but i wasnt able to log in for awhile. also school gets in the way, along with family matters.

i hope you all can forgive me, but floral and harry are back! and what they did last summer starts to take its toll as they settle in their new school.

please plEASE VOTE AND COMMENT FEEDBACK the more feedback the more i update. easy.

-kelsey x

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