Chapter 3

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After 15 minutes or so of trying to steady my heartbeat, get the pink out of my cheeks and generally put myself together I finally started down the steps heading toward the kitchen. I could smell pizza, but as I made my way through the house the only sound I heard was the quiet passing of my bare feet across the floor. If I didn't know any better I'd have thought I was alone in this oversized building. As I rounded the corner into the kitchen I located a pizza box from a local restaurant on the gray colored counter with an empty plate next to it. Upon inspection of the box I found he'd already left with a piece; I put a piece on the empty plate and headed for the room we'd been watching basketball in earlier, hoping to find him there. On my way I passed by the studio and noticed him sitting at the sound board with a guitar in his lap, while furiously scribbling on a note pad. I silently stepped into the studio and took a seat on one of the black leather chairs in the corner. I'd managed to be quiet enough to go unnoticed and I took this time to really look at the man in front of me. His clothes hasn't changed from earlier but now he did have his hair pulled back, giving me a clear view of his face in profile. The look on his face was one of stern focus as he started strumming the honey colored account guitar, looking for the right sound. His hazel eyes were focused on the fret board as those fingers gently manipulated the metal strings. His face was free of make-up, except for the lightest hint of eyeliner, something he wore so frequently I wondered if maybe it just wouldn't wash off anymore. I took note of the few small imperfections on his right cheek and I laughed in my head; my dear friend was by no means perfect and he would be the first to admit that, if you only had the courage to ask, but so few did. Prince struck a note that sounded off causing his brow to furrow and pink lips to snarl slightly. He stilled the strings with his right hand, closed his eyes and drew a deep breath before starting a more complicated tune.

This is it
It's time for you to go to the wire
You will hit
Cause you got the burin' desire
It's your time
You got the horn so why don't you blow it
You are fine
Your filthy cute and baby you know it

Get on top
You will cop
Don't you stop

"What do you think?"

"You knew I was here?" I watched him swivel the chair around, a smile on his face as he studied me. His face gave nothing away as he watched me intently, waiting for an answer.

"It's nice..." My voice trailed off as if I had more to say, but nothing came out. I was at a loss for anything in terms of a witty reply. He was studying me, almost like he had something to say, but couldn't figure out how to make the words pass over those lips. In all our years of friendship I could t recall ever seeing that look on his face; Prince has never been lost for words, at least not around me. "You eat yet?" I couldn't stand it anymore and I had to break the silence, but my words showed little effect on Prince who still appeared lost in his thoughts. Just when I was starting to think I had lost him to silent contemplation forever, he seemed to snap out of it.

"No" his response as he stood and took his guitar over to rest in the empty stand. "I was waiting for you," he picked my plate up from my lap as he walked past me, "come on."

We ended up back on the over stuffed white couches eating pizza and drinking red wine. Our conversation felt like they always had. We talked about anything and everything, topics flowing in no real linear fashion. When the first bottle of wine was empty I cracked open the second and we took a walk around Paisley Park. We looked like respected adults walking around with full wine glasses as he pointed out improvements and changes he wanted to make in the next few years, but it felt like we were still kids trying to figure out life. Still the same young twenty something kids who has dreams and only a rough idea of how to make those dreams a reality. We were just two old friends catching up and drinking wine, or maybe getting a little drunk, or maybe that was just me. We made it back to the room we started in and picked up what was left of the wine before heading off to another studio he had set up with a piano. He took a seat at the piano in the middle of the room while I refilled my glass while standing at the edge of the room. There was always something special about being in a studio with him, that was where he was most comfortable and I had always felt a little out of place with him there. Sometimes it almost felt like invading his most private of space.

"Refill?" I asked to which he only grinned and shook his head. I set the bottle on the table next to me and watched from a distance as those agile fingers started caressing the keys creating a melody I couldn't quite place. "See," he turned his head, looking at me while continuing to play, "just like a high school sleep over." We both laughed, "pizza for dinner, wine, now music." He watched me take another drink and laughed at me quietly as his fingers stopped.

"Come here." He stood up motioning for me. As I made it to the piano he grabbed my glass, setting it on the piano before pulling me in for a tight hug. "Do you trust me " he whispered in my ear as his hands rested in the small of my back.

"You know I do." I giggled only to me be caught off guard when his hands quickly moved to my ass, lifting me up. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist and tightened my arms around his neck. It only took a few steps before he sat me on the piano and we quickly untangled.

"There." A satisfied grin on his face as he returned to the leather bench. "That's better." And with that he started playing again.

"Thanks for the lift." I joked trying to hide my nervous laugh caused by the warm outline I could still feel on my ass left by his hands. I brought my legs up and say cross legged as I drank my wine and listened as his fingers  floated between songs I recognized and what I could only assume were samples of things to come.

"So, high school sleep over huh?" He mused over his playing. "I never really did that." I just looked at him dumbfounded. "What else did that entail?" He looked at me with honest curiosity.

"Um, I don't know, talking about boys, staying up late, playing truth or dare, watching inappropriate movies, generally doing things our parents frowned un."

"Let's play truth or dare." I nearly spit my drink on the piano as his words hit me and I saw that grin starting to spread from his full lips to his eyes.

"Ok, but we already talk about everything, so I'm not sure..."

"No we don't." He cut me off, that grin still covering his every feature.

"Ok." I laughed. "I'll go first." He nodded as he switched to a quiet slow tune. "Truth or dare?"


"Why didn't you have sleep overs as a kid?"

"I was busy. Learning instruments, writing songs," his eyes shifted to mine, "and chasing girls." I nodded and gave him a little smile. "Truth or dare Alexa?"

"Truth." The music stopped, as he leaned forward, resting his folded arms on the piano.

"So what really happened between you and Tony?" I felt all the color drain from my face as he waited for my answer.

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