Chapter 14

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He seemed to have a list of things we could do and hours later it felt like we had only scratched the first few off. Much later that day, long after the sun had left we found our selves in the kitchen downstairs making a late dinner, trying to make our sudden hunger for real food subside.

"You're sure the doors locked and no one is coming over?" I inquired for maybe the 6th time. Dropping the knife from his hand he turned to give me a lecherous smile as his eyes raked over my body, which was covered in his white oversized shirt and nothing else.

"Trust me sugar," walking over to me, wrapping his hands around my hips and pulling me up against his frame, "I wouldn't let anyone else see you like this." Burying his face in the crook of my neck while his hands slid back and grabbed my bare ass. "This is all mine, no one gets to see this." A quick swipe of his tongue over my delicate skin before he let go and walked back to his cutting board. Pulling the shirt down over my ass I pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and took a seat. Crossing my bare legs I watched the site in front of me. Prince was focused completely on the task of chopping carrots, a look of concentration covered his soft features, his hair pulled back into a unkept looking ponytail, with only a loose fitting pair of boxers hiding him from my gaze.

"Do you still wear those little bikini briefs?" He dumped his cutting board full of vegetable into the hot pan before shooting me a glance over his shoulder.

"On stage?"


"Well," my eyes focused on his sharp shoulder blades that moved as he busied himself at the stove, "I really only wore those on stage." After a few minutes of silence he brought two bowls to the table and sat next to me. "I went through so many of those ." His voice thick with laughter as we both dug into the rice and vegetable stir fry he concocted for dinner.

"You mean they ripped or something?" My question mumbled through my food.

"No, no" he laughed, taking another bite, "the stretch would start to give out and I had a few close calls with them nearly falling off." His smile was broad as he seemed to be strolling down memory lane. "Why'd you ask?" Turning to look at me and finally noticing the grin on my face.

"Oh nothing really," trailing my fork through the remnants of my meal and trying to contain my grin, "just always thought those were really sexy on you." The smallest giggle came from him.

"I'm not a big fan of underwear." taking our empty bowls over to the sink. He turned and look at me, a mischievous glint in those soft eyes as he walks towards me, stopping and leaning down to my ear, "but you just never know, those could make a surprise appearance for you." Finalizing his words by running his tongue along the shell of my ear before walking out of the kitchen.

After a minute I headed out of the kitchen as well, but couldn't find him in the large living room or studio B so I continued my search upstairs. As I reached his office I heard a voice and slowly pushed open the stained glass door to one of the few rooms is never spent any time in.

"I don't know why you haven't returned my call son. I know this is still a good number for you and I've heard you're hold up in your compound, so I can only assume your ignoring me. I won't be ignored boy. We have things to discuss. Call me tonight. My number hasn't changed because I don't do that sort of thing to avoid family." Prince was standing next the side of his desk, arms crossed over his chest, his jaw set and a genuinely pissed off look on his face as he stared at the answering machine.

"You gonna call him?" I asked as I closed the door and leaned against it. My voice obviously caught him off guard as his head whipped in my direction before he could soften his face.

"How long have you been there?" His face softened lightly.

"Long enough. How long has he been trying to get a hold of you?"  He sighed and threw himself into the love seat next to his desk.

"Well, from his first message it sounded like maybe a few months," hands came over his face as though he could rub the stress off his features, "but he just got a good number for me a week or so ago. I'm sure my sister gave it to him."

"What's going on with the two of you exactly?" Hands finally dropped from his face as he turns to give a look that said he couldn't believe I was asking him that. Sad eyes held mine, almost daring me to push the subject. "You know better than to think I'm gonna let this go Prince." Raising an eyebrow. After a minute he relented and finally looked away.

"Yeah, I know." He looked back to the phone for a minute before looking back to me. "I'm not calling him tonight. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with him first." His eyes flocked to me left and I turned my eyes that way to find a little alcove within his office with a large bed and I couldn't help but laugh quietly. 

"Why the hell is there a bed in your office?" Turning back to him just as his hand took mine and he pulled me towards the bed.

"A better question is why don't all offices have beds?"  He countered as he laid down.

"Touché" sitting with my back against the plush headboard. His head resting on my thighs as delicate hands began tracing soft lines over my lower legs.

"This is hard to talk about with anyone." Prince's voice was softer than normal, holding a sort of vulnerability I've not heard from him in a very long time.

"I know it is," taking the elastic out of his hair and letting my fingers run through those long strands. "But talking might help you work through things."

"I know, there's just so much..." My knuckles softly caressing his left cheek as he let his words trail off.

"Well I'm not going anywhere, so you can tell me everything or  just what you think I need to know." 

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