Chapter 29

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"Girlfriend, fuck." His typically large doe eyes grew larger than I'd ever imagined as he saw the horror in my expression at what had come out of his mouth; the look in my eyes finally making sense to him after mere seconds, "Sorry, I meant to say Alexa is my girlfriend."  The frizzy haired girl shot me a questioning look, her bland eyes wondering over me, as if she was suddenly trying to size up her competition. Narrowing my eyes at her, I made the decision to bite my tongue, not uttering a single word in this situation, instead waiting to see how he handled this awkward and more than slightly off putting scene. His hands grasped hers, peeling her clingy finger back from his person and placing them back in her personal space. The surprised expression that had marred his normally soft features finally started to fade and was quickly replaced by a look I'd never seen before.  Stepping back from the girl, he came to me, reaching his arm back, resting his hand firmly on the small of my back.

"I was under the impression you were single." Her voice was sharper than I'd imagined given her singing voice. Stepping her tall, lanky frame closer to us, starting to invade our personal space. Her movement and body language suggested she wanted to challenge his words, cocking my head at her slightly, this bitch didn't believe him. His hand slipped from the small of my back, wrapping around the far side of my waist, small fingertips pushing into my hip slightly pulling me tight against his frame.

"Well, as quiet as it's kept. . ." His voice trailed off as he turned to study my eyes before landing a chaste kiss on my lips. I couldn't help but grin, he was showing her, putting her in her rightful place with this simple expression of affection.  It was in that moment, as he pulled back and kept his intense eyes on mine, all my fears were extinguished.  This situation hadn't been of his making.

"Yeah, as quiet as it's kept." Repeating his words, telling him I understand.

"Well," she cleared her throat, bring the attention of both of us back to her, still standing too close to us in my opinion. "I'd still like to see if you want to make some music with me." It was painfully obvious what she was really talking, and as much as I wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, I remembered Prince telling me he could fight his own battles.

"No," there was rigidity to his voice that was out of character and I turned to find that unfamiliar expression on his face again, "you don't need any help from me on your sound." She opened her mouth to speak, but he was quicker. "What you need help with is your stage presence. We all know what you tried to pull back here tonight," a disapproving sneer came to his lips and in that moment I realized the look on his face was a way of reprimanding her, "you just need to learn to do that to an audience, and make each person believe its personal, and I cannot help you with that honey." His eyes moved over her, mirroring the disgusted look she'd graced me with when sizing me up. "Bye Sarah." He turned, pulling me with him out the door.

"Yeah bye Sarah." I yelled casually over my shoulder before we exited the room.  Without another word we walked out of the building and straight to the car, heading home for the night. The car was silent for the first 10 minutes or so of the drive as I replayed the situation over and over in my mind, until he broke the silence.

"I don't understand why people act that way around me sometimes." The frustration in his voice evident, and turning in my seat I found his brow furrowed with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Prince. . ."

'You know I went back there to talk to her about her performance, try to give her some advise," his eyes shifting to mine for a moment before returning to the road, "I greeted her with a hug, and when I tried to pull away she gripped onto my necklace and starts making a pass at me. I just, I don't get it. . ."

"Honey, it's ok, it's over." Resting my hand on his forearm.

"But why do people do that Alexa? Do people really think I sleep with everyone I work with?" We caught a red light, giving him another chance to turn and look at me and the pained look on his face was shocking. Part of me wanted to answer his question, but the truth would only hurt him more. Instead I slipped my hand up his arm, over his bicep and shoulder, before slipping my hand around his neck and tangling my finger in the hair on the back of his head.

"It doesn't matter what any of them think baby. You know who you really are and so do I and that's all that matters." Pulling him down into a bruising kiss for just a moment. "And we both know there's only one person keeping your bed warm with you these days." A suggestive grin passed over my lips, finally breaking the awkward feeling that had been in the car.  The shrill sound of the horn from the car behind us brought us back to reality and got us moving through the now green light. His right hand grasped my left and the remainder of the ride home was silent, his attention focussed entirely on the road and my mind developing a plan for the remainder of the evening, which was now actually early morning.

"Hey, why don't you go hop in the shower real quick and get that girls cheap perfume off you." I suggest with a laugh as we finally walked into Paisley Park.

"Why don't you join me? You can make sure I get good and clean." Cocking an eyebrow and throwing me one of those infamous smiles as I shake my head laughing.

"I don't think so." My words cause his smile to fall and a serious expression to creep across his features.

"You're mad." He steps up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"No, I'm not. I just don't wanna shower." Giving him a deep, passionate kiss, but as we parted I could see in his eyes he didn't quite believe me. Without any further words he walked into the master bathroom, pulling the door closed behind him.  With Prince securely out of the room I put my plan into action.  The events of the evening seemed to have deeply shook him and I wanted to surprise him with something he'd mentioned a few times, and something I'm sure he never thought I'd do. Shimmying out of my dress, I rummaged through the room for the things I needed. By the time I heard him get out of the shower, I was ready. He stepped out of the bathroom, a dark purple towel slung low around his hips, and his eyes trailed across the room, the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey baby." The room was lit with a myriad of different sized candles, casting a warm flickering glow over everything. And I was laid out on his king size bed, in my black, lace strapless bra and matching lace cheekies I'd worn under my dress. His wide eyes were immediately drawn to the purple, buzzing device I was gently rubbing against my heat, causing me to squirm slightly. "I've been waiting for you Prince."

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