Chapter 13

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The ride back to his place was mostly quiet. We talked a little bit more about Alysha and that whole situation then the car turned quiet. I spent most of the ride watching the late spring scenery pass outside my heavily tinted window; my mind wandering from one empty topic to another, trying actively to avoid those few lingering issues that were on the verge of causing me one form of anxiety or another. Everything from what happens between Prince and I next to what if Alysha's ex showed up again while I was away. My mind could find a plethora of topics to worry over...that was a skill I seemed to perfect over the years, near constant worry. As if sensing my near overwhelming concerns I felt his warm fingers wrap loosely around my hand. Turning my
glance to him I found his eyes focused on the road, but a satisfied smile lifting his plump lips.

Once we arrived, he took my bags into the building and I quietly followed behind. I had to catch myself as I tried to turn into the guest room, he only gave me a slight smirk as he caught my correction before heading into his, no, our room.

"Thanks." As I squatted down to where he had placed my bags at the foot of his bed on the floor. Unzipping the bag I flipped the top open and came face to face with the random collection of items I'd packed, including his contribution.

"Hey," turning my face to see him standing directly behind me, towering over me in my current position. His hand came down to cup my left cheek, deep eyes studying mine as his hand slid across my chin, before caressing my right cheek with the back of his hand. "I can only imagine what you're worrying about,"  fingertips learning the curve of my bottom lip, "but don't please."

"Wouldn't you worry about anything in my position?" Turning to face him as he sat on the foot of the bed.

"Does it help?" Reaching behind my head he pulled out the one pin that was keeping my hair up. "Has worrying every helped in those situations?" He clarified while combing his fingers through my hair.

"No." My hands coming up to rest on his firm thighs.

"Worrying only distracts you from what's right in front of you." The pad of his thumb slipped over my bottom lip, my tongue snaking out to brush his digit. Heart beating firmly against my chest, my bottom lip turned in, held firmly by my teeth, as his eyes hold mine. Images of all the things I could do to stifle my worries run rampant through my head as his eyes bore into mine. Without another thought my fingers find the metal buttons holding his pants in place that start at his lower torso. His right eyebrow twitches up as the sound of the first button echoes between us. The second button and he bites his bottom lip while his fingers comb through my hair. Another button and I can feel the muscles in his torso flex with anticipation. Leaning back, propping himself up on his elbows, his intense stare focused on my fingers as they free his final button. His pants fall open slightly, exposing his curls and I hear him draw a deep breath as my tongue snakes out to wet my lips.

"Alexa?" Curious hands trailed down his legs until they reached his suede texture boots. Taking each one in turn I pulled the little gold colored zipper down before pulling off his heals, throwing them behind me.  Our eyes locked as my hands took hold of the waist of his pants, his narrow hips lift off the mattress allowing me to peel the material off his body before throwing his pants in the same general direction as his shoes. My eyes left his and watched as my hands trailed across the hair on his lower legs, over his knees, stopping to knead firmly on his thick thighs, before moving my hands to his narrow hips. A quick glance at his face, his eyes wide, watching my every movement, and his mouth open slightly in anticipation.  I refocus, landing wet kisses on each of his thighs before leaning in and running the tip of my nose along the underside of his length, from base to tip. His groan resonates through his body as my tongue swipes over his tip, tasting the drop of pre-cum that has been precariously balanced against his slit.

"Oh shit" his breathy moan as my lips rolled over his tip, cheeks hollowing slightly, his hand finding its way to my hair. Wrapping my hand around his base, I glance up to him to find his half lidded eyes watching me as I started sliding my lips farther down his thick length. His turgid flesh hot against my tongue as it caressed that prominent vein that ran up his length. Bobbing my head, his hand in my hair silently encouraging me to go farther, his groans encouraging me not to silently. Moving my hand away I let him push my head all the way down, burying my nose in his hair. His tip pushing against the back of my throat, I swallowed around him causing his body to shudder. Holding that position for a moment I lost myself in his rich scent of musk and lust that seemed to emanate from this part of his body. As my gag reflex started to kick in I returned my hand to his base and began quickly working my hand and mouth over his cock.

"Don't" his hips started thrusting up to meet my mouth "stop". The room filled with the sound of wet sucking and his deep moans as he came closer to his apex. He started throbbing against my tongue and I squeezed his base as tight as I could. "FUCK...Alexa!" I hummed around him, working my mouth faster, as his thighs started to tremble. Snaking my free hand under his shirt I raked my nails down his abdomen just as I released my grip allowing him to finally spill into my mouth. His warm, salty essence flowed down my throat and some over my lip as I continued to suck him through his orgasim until he started to soften in my mouth.

Finally sitting back I licked my lips clean as I watched him, laid back on the bed, eyes closed and chest heaving, has he pushed his hair back from his damp forehead. Climbing on the bed I straddled him and watched as he opened his eyes and gave me a list filled grin.

"I want you." His voice was rough.

"I think he's tired." My words punctuated by a roll of my legging covered hips against his soft member. His eyes shifted to my chin, bringing his thumb up to wipe my chin, before bringing his thumb back to his mouth. I watched in fascination as he sucked a piece of himself from his finger.

"Oh I have a whole list of things we can do." His hands came down to my ass, squeezing hard as he brought me in for a passionate kiss.

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