Chapter 31

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Sturdy hips rolled up to meet me as I felt his barely softened member grow firmer than ever within me. Arms wrapped around my torso as the damp skin of our chests pressed together. His humid breath ghosting over my skin as heated, open mouthed kisses were dropped along the line of my shoulder while his fingers walked up the skin of my back. Arching my back up just enough as the fabric around me loosened, my bra quickly pulled from between our warm bodies. Nipples brushed roughly against the field of hair decorating his chest, my face buried in the sweaty crook of his neck.

"Mm, fuck. . ." My moans muffled by the wet skin of his neck.

"That's it mama." Fingers so adept at manipulating guitar strings now digging into the pliant flesh of my hips, pulling my body down to meet his rolling thrusts. The sound of wet skin moving against wet skin mixed with the deep grunts resonating from his depths and filled my ears with an erotic symphony. Sitting up, straightening my torso on his pelvis, I took note of how his half hooded eyes watched with fascination as my breasts bounced to the beat of his thrusts, his jaw hung open, that thick bottom lip glistening from just having his tongue run over it, and his brow shifting between concentration and the verge of release. Leaning back, resting my palms against his firm, flexing thighs I stretch my body backwards and let my hips take control with a pointed staccato thrust working against the roll of his hips.

"God damn Alexa. . .I'm, ah, fuck. . .keep going. . ." A smile raised my lips as my breath came in labored pants, the begging sound of his voice only serving to push me closer to the edge I felt quickly approaching. "Ride that dick baby." I could feel the bruises already forming under his fingertips on my hips as my head fell back and I rolled over the edge letting my body explode against him. His hips rolled up once more, staying up high, his grip fighting against my now erratic movement over his cock as I felt his member twitch, filling me with a deep, rumbling animalistic grunt.  After some time our bodies finally came to a stop, the lust within us both sated for the time being.  We fell asleep that night wrapped in sweaty sheets and blissful ignorance of what was happening in the world around us.

The rest of the weekend flew by as we refused to deal with anyone on Sunday and instead secluded ourselves from the world in the confines of Paisley Park, but Monday would bring a reality I was not prepared for. That morning played out like any other. He was long gone by the time I woke up, already deep in rehearsal for the tour which was fast approaching. I went through my normal routine that morning before emerging from the residence and making my way through the complex. The first group of people I passed I recognized from the wardrobe group. They pleasantly wished me a good morning, but there was an unasked question in their eyes as they hurriedly passed me. I didn't think much of it and continued toward the kitchen. Then I got the same look from one of his accountants. Everyone I passed in the labyrinth of Paisley Park that morning was pleasant with their words, but the looks I was getting were growing increasingly concerning. As I passed the door of his office I locked eyes with Adrienne as she was walked toward me and the confusing mix of judgement and emotion in her eyes was the last straw.

"What the hell is going on?" Annoyance ringing clear in my words as I stopped directly in front of her.

"Don't worry." Sounding equally bothered by my outburst. "He's taking care of it." Acting as though she's somehow answered my question she tries to step around me, but my hands are quick to raise to her shoulders, abruptly halting her.

"Handling what? What are you even talking about?" For the briefest moment she looks like she's considering yelling at me, but just as quick as I notice that her entire demeanor changes. Taking my hands off the pink silk blouse covering her shoulders, she quickly pulls me into his empty office.

"This," she leaves me standing in the middle of room as she heads towards the garbage can at the side of his desk, "this is what he's handling." She continues to rant as she digs quickly through the papers before landing on what she was looking for. "I don't know whats been going on around here Alexa," Adrienne's voice sharp as she turns through the pages of the news paper she'd retrieved from the garbage, "but he doesn't need this." Folding the paper obviously to highlight a particular article. "You need to be better than this for him." I could feel the deep lines of confusion etched on my forehead as she passed the local paper to me.

My knees buckled causing my ass to land on the white couch. It was a small article buried a few pages into the Star Tribune and the journalists name was disgustingly familiar, but it was the content of that small article that literally stole my breath away.

This journalist has learned that our local Purple guru and his new pet have been causing trouble around town. Recently Prince and his new, albeit somewhat pedestrian looking, piece of arm candy (a local freelance writer who goes by the name Alexa) were causing waves at a local office for Child Protective Services filing a complaint against a local single mother. The complaint appeared to suggest the woman had been negligent and knowingly placed her child in danger. I spoke with the mother in question, who wished to remain anonymous for the time being, about these accusations.

"Alexa was close to me and my son at one time, but over time she became jealous of the relationship my son and I share and has tried to take him from me. Last time I saw her she had my son with her and I had to use force to take him back. Alexa is clearly unstable and I don't know how she's managed to drag Prince into all this."

So what's the deal Mr. Purple Rain? What sort of crazy have you brought into your life and your bed now?

My eyes scanned over the short article, which featured a small grainy picture of us sitting at the show Saturday night, for a second time.  Somehow I hoped it would read differently the second time through, but it didn't. Nor did it the third time, and that was when I felt my eyes start to swim in pools of liquid anger. Questions rolling through my head from what did Alysha think she stood to gain by doing this to what type of journalist writes this type of thing. I was so lost in my growing rage that I barely noticed the mumbling voices behind me.  They couch dipped gently next to me as a hand came to rest on my now trembling thigh.

"They paid Alysha for her interview. She would have said anything for the cash."  His hand caressing my leg, trying to calm me. "It's all being taken care of. This woman writes stupid shit about me all the time." I was so angry with this entire situation and I couldn't hold it in any longer. A single large, hot tear fell past my lower lashes as I shook my head in disbelief of this entire mess. "Sweetheart?" The deep concern in his voice did something to me and I turned to face him finally. His face was impeccable. Hair done and minimal makeup, but on point as if he was ready to head out at a moments notice and not an once of worry or concern on his face for this situation. I didn't give my words a second thought, instead just letting them fall from my lips and take me where they will.

"I wanna go with you when you leave on your tour next month. I'll go."

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