Chapter 24

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Kevin walked over to the VCR and pushed play before sitting on the couch and turning his attention to the Bugs Bunny carton now filling the tv screen. I on the other hand was stuck in place, trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Alysha had never left Kevin like this before. Where could she have gone? Is she ok? Is she coming back? The list of questions running through my mind seemed endless and after a few minutes I was finally able to bring that train of thought to a halt and just focus on the inexcusable problem right in front of my face. Taking a deep breath I walked around the couch, turning the tv off and taking a seat next to Kevin on the lumpy couch.

"Kevin," he turned to me with an annoyed look on his face, presumably because I'd turned off his cartoons, "did your mom say where she was going? Or when she was coming back?" Nodding his head before opening his mouth.

"She said she was going out and would be back soon." There was a knot in my stomach and I wasn't sure what was causing it, this situation or the fact that none of it seemed to bother Kevin.

"And she hasn't called and she didn't leave you with a baby sitter or anything?" The young boy simply shook his head no without making a sound. "Well then, I guess we will just have to hang out until your mom gets back." My lips lifting in a comforting smile. "You wanna spend sometime at my apartment?" Nodding eagerly as he followed me into the kitchen, where i left a note for Alysha. I locked her front door with my spare key and walked hand in hand back to my place with Kevin and as soon as we closed my front door he tugged on my hand, drawing my attention down to him.

"Can we have lunch?" It felt like all the blood drained from my face at his question, I hadn't even thought about that, he'd been alone for nearly a day.

"Of course we can. Have you had anything to eat since your mom left?" Remembering that there was little in the way of real food here since I'd been at Prince's place for the last few weeks I grabbed my purse as he answered my question.

"I made PB&J for breakfast." His smile and the way he squared off his little shoulders that were covered in a black t-shirt told me he was proud of hi breakfast choice.

"Good job. That's a fine way to start the day." Flashing him a quick smile "What do you say we walk across the street to Judy's Diner for a late lunch?" Another eager head nod from the small boy as his face lit with a toothy smile.

Our late afternoon lunch was a quiet one. The diner was nearly empty due to the time of day and our orders were promptly delivered to our table. Kevin scarfed down his cheese burger and fries kids meal and was beyond excited at the suggestion of finishing off the meal with a hot fudge Sunday. We barely exchanged a single word, but if the few words that were spoken, Kevin never mentioned his parents. I forced myself to hold back all the questions that were dangling precariously from the tip of my tongue; while Kevin may have had some of the answers, these were questions for his mother. The more I let myself think about his situation the more incensed I became. Little over an hour after our late lunch began we were stepping back into my apartment and the large yawn leaping from Kevin led me to suggest a nap, which he quickly agreed to. As I helped him settle into my bed and cover him with a soft blanket his tired voice filled the empty space in my room.

"Where Prince?" Turning to see his dark eyes, wide with wonderment at the mere mention of his name. The gnawing pain from this morning crept in for just a moment and may have had a chance to play out over my face before I caught it.

"Oh, well," stumbling under the gave that knew so much more than he should for his age, "he's really busy and couldn't come with me back here today." And maybe he'd never go anywhere with me every again I added as a silent afterthought for myself.

"You look sad." His words mumbled through a yawn, but still clear enough for me to try to get my face under control. "You miss him?" Blinking and forcing a smile across my lips.

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