Chapter 26

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I stood there in complete shock for a short time after she made her hasty exit from my apartment. I felt him come up behind me, cautious hands coming to my shoulders. My cheek was red and throbbing from Alysha's slap, my body trembling with anger over the entire situations. Her actions, her words and worst of all the piercing sound of Kevin forcefully pushing all the air from his lungs crying as she hauled him out of here like a possession, not a child.  My eyes were stuck on the smooth white surface of my front door which she had slammed behind her in her haste to leave and the longer my eyes studied that imperfection-less barrier the more I came to realize this part of my life was over.  There was no way to recover a friendship after what had transpired, but as bad as I thought I would feel for myself i didn't, I only felt bad for Kevin; stuck in a situation he couldn't control, let alone understand, and I would have no way to even try to help him. Drawing a shake breath, I felt skilled fingers wordlessly kneaded against the muscles of my tight shaking shoulders, there were no words that need to be said in this situation.  We were both there, we both knew what happened and what was said, and there were no words that would make me feel better about any of this or help me make sense of it, so we didn't bother trying. 

Not long after Alysha left, I made that call to CPS, knowing that was the only thing I could do now to try to help Kevin.  In the end I had to go down at their local office providing them with the information on what had happened and all the background information I had on her past. I didn't hold back anything, for Kevin's sake I couldn't. I tried to keep Prince out of this mess, but he refused, instead insisting he accompany me to the office and provide his statement on the events as well.  His concern for Kevin and his current situation was truly heartwarming, but I still felt bad for getting him involved in all this. I knew had he been any other celebrity his involvement would have been all over the five o'clock news, but thankfully this was Minneapolis, and this city protected him like their firstborn.  Nothing ever showed up in the paper or on the news about 'his Royal Badness' making a visit to the local CPS office, at least that felt like one thing that went right. 

It's been a little over a week since those events and things around Paisley Park have been quiet.  I came back later that same day, bringing more stuff than I had the first time since I didn't really want to go back to my apartment anytime soon and chance running into Alysha.  Prince and I still haven't really said a word to each other about what happened and that was fine with me.  He was busy with rehearsals and getting all the little details ready for the tour which was scheduled to start in a month. I was trying to keep busy with writing, but honestly the whole situation was harder to deal with than I was letting on. I'd even caved a few times and called Alysha, I just wanted to make sure Kevin was ok, but each call proved fruitless. The two calls that were answered were quickly hung up on and from then on, my calls were just allowed to ring and ring and ring. I kept telling myself I've done everything I can, but it didn't feel like enough.

Friday morning I woke up in bed alone, reaching out for the ghost of him I found nothing but a cold spot on the sheets, confirming that he had been gone for some time. Sitting up in bed, I leaned back against the headboard and pulled the white comforter tight around my bare chest as I remembered I'd gone to sleep naked the night before. I wondered for only a moment where he was before I became distracted by my grumbling stomach and a fuzzy brain that told me I needed coffee. Before I could even swing one leg over the side of the bed, the bedroom door swung open and I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my lips.

"Good morning mama." An earnest smile on his face as he walked through the bedroom carrying a pine colored tray, while wearing only a pair of black boxers.

"Morning." My voice softer than I'd intended it to be as he brought the tray down to rest on my covered thighs. "You made breakfast?" His grin widened as he gave a shy nod to my question. Pancakes smothered in butter and syrup with orange juice and coffee all sat comfortably on my legs as he climbed back into bed next to me.  Taking the fork and cutting a large piece of fluffy syrup soaked pancake, taking a quick look at the clock before stuffing the sweet breakfast into my mouth.  "Shouldn't you be at rehearsal?" The question falling from my lips just as I swallowed and turned to find him watching me.

"I cancelled everything for today and tomorrow." Spearing another healthy bite with my fork, but this time I lift the fork to his lips, "we have a three day weekend." Words soft before his full lips wrapped around the tines of the fork, taking his bite slowly from the utensil. We sat mostly in silence for the rest of breakfast, taking turns at taking bites, slowly working our way through the considerable stack of pancakes. Swirling the last bite across the now empty plate, soaking up as much of the remaining syrup as I could manage before holding the fork over to him, eyes never leaving mine he graciously took that last bite, but not before I felt the cold sticky  sensation of maple syrup landing on my bare shoulder. I reached for my napkin to take care of the tacky trail that was being created as the syrup was slowly moving down my bare chest. A chill shot down my spine, a tremor cascading through my frame, as I felt his warm, wet tongue meet with my cool skin. The sound of my shaky breath filled the room as he traced the line of the drip with his tongue, over my shoulder, down my chest, stopping just above the blanket.

"Prince. . ." His name barely more than a whisper as I felt every emotion from the last week or so wash over me, his eyes meeting mine. As if he saw everything I wanted to say reflected in my pained eyes, he left the bed, taking the tray over to the table on the opposite side of the room. My eyes roamed over his toned frame as he made his way back to bed, the muscles in his thighs tensing and releasing as he walked across the carpet until he was standing next to me. Tilting my head up to watch his eyes, his right hand came up, fingers trailing along the line of my jaw, over my cheek, across my lips as his left hand pulled the blanket back, exposing my body. Hazel eyes thick with lust languished over my body trailing from my feet up. Even without physically touching me, those eyes were caressing all the right spots making me wet with anticipation.

"Alexa," my eyes glued to the sight of his hand trailing over the curve of my hip, coming dangerously close to the junction between my legs, before slipping back to my hip,"tell me what you want." Words soft as that curious hand moved up my side, tickling my ribs slightly, before moving over the curve of my breast. The pad of his thumb ghosted over my nipple, bringing that soft, pink peak to life.

"I..." words interrupted as his head tilted down, his lips closing around my tender nipple causing my back to arch and my breath to catch. "Ah,Prince...". His hand slipping down my abdomen.

"What. Do. You. Want." Each word punctuated with a kiss on my breast.

"Make me forget." His eyes met mine just as his fingers found my slit.

"I can do that mama..."

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