Chapter 20

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The next few weeks went by without much fan fare or distress, at lest for Prince. For a man who seemed to enjoy the spontaneity of life and the freedom to go from one thing to the next at the drop of a hat, he settled surprisingly well into a routine. Rehearsals started at 10 am sharp every morning and the only person who showed up late those first few weeks was him, on that first day. Everyone in the band settled into a nice groove and I'd usually peak in once a day. Some days he'd see me and they take a short break. Other days they were so caught up no one noticed me, so I'd quietly disappear. Rehearsals were over no later than 8pm, some days sooner, but never later.  From there he was off to the studio. Now you'd think after literally hours of rehearsal he'd be tired, exhausted even, but not him. Sometimes he'd find me after rehearsal, but even in those moments it was more like just checking in than anything else. In those moments I was just a pit stop on his way to the studio and I didn't have a problem with that. I wasn't here to interrupt or disturb his creative process. That wasn't what he wanted me here for and I didn't want that either. He'd usually crawl in bed sometime long after I had, cuddling up to me and trying to have simple conversations, but I'd always doze off and he was always be long gone by the time I woke up. That was life around Paisley Park, except Sunday.

Sunday's the place was quiet. No one expect us was allowed inside. Maybe he'd spend a little time in the studio, but for the post part that day was ours. And after a few weeks of this routine I'd become quite comfortable with it. I enjoyed the free time and sense of peace I got having time to take care of my writing and what not during the week. And on this Sunday I was looking forward to another nice, relaxing day, just the two of us. Maybe curl up on the couch and watch a movie, have a quiet breakfast together, or even just talk. Time just for us, sharing space and making memories we could keep tucked away for when we needed them, but it seemed the universe had other plans.

I woke up that Sunday morning catching the slightest glimpse of crisp morning sun coming through the side of the blackout shades over his bedroom windows. Stretching as best I could with his sturdy body pressed against my back, arms around my waist, and his steady sleeping breath brushing against the back of my neck. He was always asleep when I would wake up on Sunday's, a smile slipping across my lips as I lingered on that thought, I loved Sunday's especially for that reason. This was comfortable. This was peace. Resting my hand on top of his, I closed my eyes and listened to his breathing, determined to not wake him. The peaceful quiet around us, and his rest, was shattered as the main phone line to the residence started ringing. I could feel him shifting behind me as as the metallic ringing continued to fill the room. His face nuzzled in closer against my neck telling me he had to intention of stopping the incessant ringing.

"Want me to get the phone?" I hoped my question would inspire him to roll over and do something about the noise coming from his nightstand, but instead it only earned me a half hearted grunt. "Ok, I'll get it." Starting to move his arms from around me.

"No," tightening his grips round my waist, holding me firmly against him, "they'll give up."  As if he had made it happen, the ringing stopped. As the silence washed over us, I settled back into his arms and started to drift back to sleep. His nose brushed the back of neck, his breath washing over my exposed shoulder as I his body starting to relax.  Just as his breathing returned to its steady, sleep induced state, the quiet was shattered once again by the same ringing. "Damn it!" His voice rough as he rolled over violently. I turned to face him as the sound of the phone being man handled echoed through the room. "There!" Turning back to me with a sleepy smirk on his full lips as his grabbed my waist, pulling my front flush against his.

"What did you do?" A glint appeared in his hazel eyes as I felt all of him starting to wake up.

"Unplugged the phone." He mumbled as those lips came down against mine, first in soft peck, before his hand slid up my body and gripped my hair as our kiss became more passionate. His tongue caressed as mine as our hands roamed over each other.  His hand found its way to my right breast which was still covered by my black camisole, I broke away from his kiss, my chest pounding.

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