Chapter 33

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To say Kevin's phone call left me shook was the understatement of a life time. I spent every minute after that just waiting for the phone to ring again, to hear his innocent voice tell me he was alright. For him to answer my unanswered questions. I checked to make sure the line was set up to ring direct to Paisley Park security while we were away and I even tried to give them an idea of what was possibly going on. The last thing I wanted was to leave Kevin without a life line, feeling even more alone while I'm out traipsing around the world. For the briefest moment I considered backing out, I felt selfish for going off with Prince when I wasn't sure Kevin was even safe in his own home. Almost as if Prince had read my mind, when we sat down for dinner that evening he reminded me that there was really nothing either of us could do at this point and stressed again that he needed me on the road with him. It was a statement he'd made a handful of times and I still couldn't make sense of it. I wouldn't actually be contributing to the tour and every time I asked what he needed me on tour for he'd tell me I'd find out. Between the stress I was left with after that call and all the things left to be done before we left, I didn't sleep a wink until our plane hit its cruising altitude and we were securely on our way to Rotterdam.

Two days after we arrived the Nude Tour officially began. Honestly it had been a hectic few days here trying to get everything together for the first show and the band trying to get in a few final rehersals, but standing back stage, the buzz of excitement all around me I could tell all the long hours and all the work had been worth it. The large room back stage was filled with the band members and the small hand full of girlfriends and wives that had been allowed to come along on this first leg of the tour. Prince had explained to me not too long after our arrival that he used to always feel allowing significant others to tag along was a distraction, but he was giving it a shot on the first leg of this tour. I'd not really had a chance to talk with many of the other women and from what I was seeing in this room I wasn't sure I really wanted much to do with them. Most of the girlfriends seemed like what I could best describe as "recent acquisitions" that were more excited to be around other members of the band they whomever they came with, while the few other women were wives that seemed to hold less than an ounce of trust for their husbands and fancied keeping them on a short leash. These woman all struck me as either loose or terrified of what their men were really up to and I didn't want to be a part of either of those worlds. It was 20 minutes to show time and the common room where I'd been sitting casually next to Prince as we watched the commotion around us was starting to empty out as everyone disappeared to their respective rooms to finish getting ready. Without saying a word those familiar narrow fingers entwined with mine as he stood, pulling me with him and leading me into his dressing room.

"You excited?" he stopped in front of the full length mirror to make sure his outfit hadn't been disturbed. High waisted black pants with a white button up shirt that had black sleeves. He looked almost nervous for just a moment as he fiddled with the open front of the shirt, as if trying to decide if he thought there were enough buttons undone or too many.

"It's always a little nerve wracking before the show." Turning around and letting his eyes move over my form, taking in the first of many outfits he'd had the wardrobe department put together for me. A nervous grin slipped over my face as I felt a blush rising on my skin. I nervously tugged on the hem of my dress that felt like it was slipping up my thigh. "That's absolutely beautiful on you." his words were soft as he approached me, wrapping his arms around my waist and landing a trail of soft kisses along my exposed left shoulder. The dress was black and short, barely reaching my mid thigh, the neckline swept very low on my left side showing the curve of my breast and leaving my shoulder and left arm completely bare, while my right arm was covered in a full black sleeve which turned white by the wrist there the words "PRINCE Nude Tour" were written in white making it look like a large cuff on my wrist from a distance. To be honest, the simplicity of the dress surprised me and I was beyond glad that my name hadn't ended up anywhere on it. A low moan resonated from my chest as his lips made their way back up to my neck before he pulled back slightly, the green of his eyes brighter than normal. "I need you in here, right after the show." Lust filled need dripped from his words as his cloth covered erection brushed against my thigh.

"I know." lips touching his as a blush crept over my cheeks.

"I mean it Alexa," the way he stressed his words caught my attention, "the last song is 'Baby I'm a Star' and you need to be here when I get back here." Cupping his prickly cheek as I placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"I will be. Now," traveling my hand down his chest before cupping the front of his pants, "what are we gonna do about this?" A big smile pulled his full lips back as he grabbed my hand, bringing it up to my lips, kissing my fingertips.

"No time mama. Gotta head to the stage." with that he walked away and headed out the door. It was the strangest sensation, but in that moment I felt completely alone. In the middle this monstrous tour, in the middle of his crazy life, and completely alone. Drawing a deep breath I tried to force my worries down, reminding myself that this tour was going to be an incredible experience, and reset my worrying mind. Stepping out of the dressing room and back into the larger common room we were in earlier and I came face to face with the small group of women on the tour.

"Hey Alexa." Miko's wife Shawntelle came up to me with Denise, the tour managers wife, and Tony's girlfriend Trina. I quickly swallowed my nerves and made my way over to the small group.

"Ladies, what's up?" each of the women taking turns pulling me into a casual friendly hug.

"Nothing, we just haven't had time to talk with you really." Shawntelle's voice cut through the air as she pulled me over to sit on the couch with them.

"Yeah," Denise interjects with a small laugh, "Prince has kept you locked up all to himself since we got here."

"Well," a nervous laugh shook me slightly, "We've been pretty busy."

"I'm sure you have." a rather irritated and dismissive tone coated Trina's words. Shawntelle and Denise both shooting her loaded looks, telling her to basically shut her mouth without using any words. The tension around us was nearly thick enough to see as I tried to think of something to move conversation past this awkward moment.

"So," beginning my sentence cautiously as getting everyone's attention off Trina's outburst, "is this your first time overseas?" Shawntelle and Denise both giving me a soft laugh as they shook their heads no. "I've never been so it's pretty exciting."

"Ok, lets get real here." Trina's sharp, nearly accusatory voice, brings everyone's full attention back to her. "Are you and Prince really a couple?"

"Excuse me?" Shaking my head at her question and wondering what would make her think otherwise and wondering what I've done to her to bring in this sort of attitude.

"Or are you just the tour relief?" cocking her harshly shaped eyebrow as she waited for my answer.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" finally reaching the end of my patience with whatever this girl was getting at.

"Are you just his piece of throw away tour ass honey?" her voice loud, drawing the attention of all the people in the room, causing all the color to drain out of my face. The look on her face told me she thought she had me all figured out, and the longer she sat there looking at me the more pissed off I got.

"Well honey," standing up from the couch and smoothing the material of my dress down my thighs, "why don't you ask your boy friend, he's the one that walked in on Prince and I a few months ago." the look on her face changed suddenly as I turned and made my way toward the stage to watch the show. This tour wasn't gonna be as easy or stress free as I'd hoped.

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